Mar 15, 2005 06:52
Well, this weekend was interesting, to say the very least. Randomly went to Seattle last Thursday. Gavin was online on Wed night and he was telling me he would be in town on Thurs for a few minutes on his way to Seattle and I should say hi while he was in town. Naturally I did, and he invited me sporatically to go with him, so I was like, "hell yes! get to get out of Lewiston for a few days...NICE!" And I went. And it was great. I got to hang out with Gavin who totally rocks the shit outta everything, go to some parties, got a little shitfaced the last night we were there (oops, lol), and just had a great time in general. I loved it. Gavin and I went to Bellevue Community College and took a tour, and it rocked hard core! They have such a nice campus. So, I'm kind of looking at that as an option for the fall. And since I've never been to Seattle, Gavin took me to Pike's Market, where they throw the fish, and we had THE BEST Russian pastries. Like, so good you take a bite and cream yourself. :D I Lofed Them. And we went to this raging "after-party." I guess it was the follow up to a concert by a band called Hot Buttered Rum. We were gonna go to that too, but it was 21 and older. The after party was all ages though, and the band that played there rocked. I never caught what they were called, but they were good. I liked them too. Everyone there was tripping on some sort of drug, or they were drunk, so that was interesting. I had Gavin's rat with me, and everyone had to do a double take to make sure, "no, that is not the hallucinogen I'm on....that really IS a rat." Lol, it was funny. Yeah. I got offered pot, shrooms, all sorts of fun drugs, but everyone be proud, cuz I didn't do any of them. For my mom, actually. I promised her when she first got clean that I would never do any drugs. I'm such a good Anyways, yeah. That was my update. Love Ya'll.