Jun 13, 2006 02:24
I thought children don't like to learn, why don't they want to stop taking classes?! I want some time off, dammit! And now Natalie and Zach's parents are all like "OMG WORK WITH THEM DURING THE SUMMER!" and I'm not sure what's happening with me this summer. Plus if I'm working during the summer I want to charge more but I never would. For I have a weak disposition and am filled with fear and shaaaame.
My car is soooo dead. My aunt rear-ended someone with it, but like, a deluxe rear-end, where she took the back half of the guy's car and the front half of our car OFF. She's fine, at least, though I honestly don't know how she's fine, judging by the car. Now it's in the shop for God knows how long and I am le sad. And le sore.
I got a job offer to be a camp counselor for 14 days. It's a Summer School Camp and all English, and a lot of money, but I'm not sure I'm cut out for it in terms of spending so much time non-stop with kids. Maybe I'll go to the interview either way. I can always turn it down, and I don't really have any other options. Other than selling my... body to the night. OR MAYBE I COULD WORK AT A BOOK STORE!