Jun 03, 2006 03:11
Whee! I have a date!
I went out for the first time since getting !!!!ABLATE'D!!!! (my doctor didn't find that funny AT ALL). I love how guys gravitate towards me only when I look my absolute worst. WTF, men? They're weird. So I've got a date. With a dude named Yosi. (Pwn'd!) He's a good Jewish boy and REALLY smart and funny. But he is short. But everyone would be short after Gal. (Who by the way called me 8 times today. WHY.) But I decided that even if I'm not super attracted to him, there's no reason why I shouldn't go out and have a good time.
I have to go to the hospital tomorrow. What fun! My stomach hurts and that's on the Risk List they gave me after the surgery. I bet it's not even what they think because I think if I were bleeding into my own stomach the pain would be stronger, but I'll go anyway. Because I'm pwned by Western medicine.
Also, I finally gave up and started watching Grey's Anatomy regularly. It's no House, but it's good, and Cristina rocks. Cristina + Burke = OTP.
My Music is Megan Mullally again. I won't lie. But I did want to state that it was Randy Newman SECONDS ago and it just switched. I SWEAR.
ETA: My first Grey's icon!