Sporking: Skye Night, Part One

Apr 12, 2011 17:45

Sue's Name: Skye Night.
Sue's Parents: She was raised in an Orphanage of Fear.
Sue's Love-Interest: Draco Malfoy
Sue's Friends: Everyone hates her, for reasons that are like totally not at all her fault... but just watch the way she treats Draco when he tries to be friendly to her.
Sue's Background: She's super smart and has an angsty past. You know the drill.
Sue's Skills: Her ability to frighten the older boy away implies that she likely has some degree of control over her accidental magic (or wandless magic, as that would more accurately make it), making her perhaps the most powerful child we've been introduced to since Tom Marvolo Riddle. She also managed to figure out entirely on her own that she was a witch.
Sue's Eyes: Light green.
Sue's Hair: Long and brown.

Contains: Implications of vague unfortunate things happening to children, references to a very common dub-con plot, attempted murder by and of children, and McGonagall in leather. SFW.
Part One: You are looking at it.
Previous Part: Does not exist.
Next Part: Has not been sporked yet.

I was sitting in my room, reading. That was my favorite pasttime. It let me escape from this wretched place. It opened a world where I could be the hero, where I could just belong. Whenever I read about Orcs, I feel like I've found my people.

Suddenly the book was grabbed from my clutches. I looked up slowly. I thought people knew better than to mess with me? I was, after all, the freak of the crop. I saw the guilty party dance around with my book. He needed it as a prop in the ballet he was putting on. He would have just asked nicely, but I have this bad habit of turning people into newts when they ask me nicely for things. It's how I got my reputation as a freak.

"Please return my book."

"No. If I do that, where are you going to get your angsty back-story?"

I stood up. Slowly I advanced on the older boy. I let a smile creep onto my lips. I'm rather like a dog; First I bare my teeth, then I make threatening noises, then I attack. He looked at me curiosly. I held out my hand.

"Come on, Night, you aren't fooling anyone." The boy said. I deepened te smile. The boy's expression changed. He obediently put the book in my hand. I pointed my other hand at the door. The message was clear: Leave, or else I'll smile at you even more. Tremble, weak mortal.

He looked at mefor a moment.

"You're still a freak, Night. Always have,always will. One day you'll regret taking your freakishness out on us. Don't make me tell you again. Bad things will happen to you if you every try to lock yourself in your room and completely avoid us ever again. It's one thing to be a freak, but another thing entirely to take it out on the rest of us by refusing to bother us. The nerve..." After that he scarpered. It was odd, really, that I had gotten boy older than me scared.

With a sigh I searched for the last page I was on and went to sit on my bed. But, try as I might, I just could not concentrate. He was right. I was a freak. Odd things always seemed to happen around me. There was a time where all of the colors of the bedding in the Orphanage had changed to bright colors. All of the blame had come upon me, but really? Grey? It was no wonder the children here were depressed. The matrons had beaten me for three days straight, screaming something like "God-dammit, when will you Sues realize that this is an Orphanage of Fear?! We go so far out of our way to keep everything as bleak and depressing as possible, and you just swoop in and dye everything pink like you don't appreciate our efforts at all!" They'd even said something once about "missing that Riddle boy..." because "at least he enjoyed the simple things in life, like entirely gray wardrobes and cold gruel for lunch!" I hadn't wanted to tell them that they were obviously very out of touch with today's orphan. There was also the time that all of th girls in the Orphanage had theit hair shaved off. Th next day mine had grown back. The others stared at me, after that I was considered the freak. (Bald is the new silky and shiny.) So much so that I frughtened the other eleven-year-old girls. The matron had given up by giving me my own room. (It's not like that was common, given that this seems to be Voldy's old orphanage.)

A tap on the window.

At least it's raining, I thought. I loved the rain. The smell of the wet earth mixed with the sound of rain on the window... it just did something to me. (That's an odd thing to think. When something taps on my window, I usually wonder what the fuck it was before pausing to admire the scenery.)

Another tap.

Wait, I didn't smell the earth, that meant that it wasn't raining. (You generally don’t smell the earth when it is raining. Completely different element, darling.)

Another tap.

I looked up. (And you certainly took your sweet time doing so!)

How odd. An owl was sitting outside my window, now tapping furiously on the window. I apparently can't tell the difference between talons scratching at glass and rain. *checks Suethor's profile* Wtf kind of rain do they get in South Africa?!) I stood up slowly and made my way over to the window. I opened it hesitantly. The owl swooped in and landed on my bed. It held its claw to me. Attached to it was a letter! I took it off with shaking hands. The owl hooted happily before flying out te window.

Someone knocked on my door before entering. "Miss Night? You have a visitor." It was the matron.

I looked up to see an elderly woman entering my room.

"Good day, Miss Night." The woman said to me. She wore odd clothing - a dress with a leather jacket over it, and she had spectacles. She also had a very stern face. (Yup. McGonagall's favorite coat. You know it.)

The door to my closed quietly. I noticed that the matron had left. It was custom at this orphanage to allow total strangers to walk in whenever they liked and spend extended periods of time alone with the children. There had been some concerns about safety, but, meh, it wasn't like there was a shortage of kids or anything.

"Hello." I greeted the woman.

"I'm sure that you are curious as to why I'm here."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Miss Night, I am here to tell you that you are a witch." (Way to ease them into it, McGonagall.)

I would've laughed out loud, but I knew she was being truthful. I had suspected it myself, resently. The other day two boys from the Orphanage had tried to drown me by oushing me off a cliff - we were at a beach, someone had been generou enough to donate some money to our cause ("Woohoo! A donation! We can either buy food and decent clothing, or we can take a vacation to the beach. Decisions, decisions...")- and I'd survived. I hadn't even reached the water. I had yelled and wished more than anything that I could stop falling. And I did. It was a rather weird experience. One minute I was falling, the next I was back at the top of the cliff. The two boys had been laughing, but when they saw me, they yelled and ran of to the matron. ("Matron! Matron! We tried to kill Skye and she didn't die! Tell her to go to her room!")

"You are not surprised?" The old woman asked. I realized that I hadn't answered.

"No, ma'am. I figured either a witch, a cyborg or a genius. I mean, really, what's the fun of being a special snowflake if you don't get to know that you're a special snowflake?"

She looked stunned. Then she saw the letter in my hand.

"I see you've got our letter." She said with a slight smile.

"You sent it?"

"Pointlessly enough, Yes, I did. Or, more accurately, the school did."


"Yes, Miss Night. You have been offered a chance to study at Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am Professor McGonagall."

{Snip: At the Sue's request, McGonagall proves it.}

"Do want to go to Hogwarts?" She asked me.

"Of course, ma'am. All I want to do is get out of here."

"All right. Attached to that letter is a list of books you'll need for the upcoming year."

"How will I pay for it?"

"There are two ways, depending on what sort of Sue you are. We have a list of much older men who would be happy to buy your books in exchange for you having sex with them one day in the future, or, The school has a fund for that. Here." She took out something from underneath the leather jacket and handed it to me. "Would you like me to accompany you?"

"Please, ma'am."

{Snip: The Sue goes shopping (and gets a wand with a core that Ollivander clearly states in GoF that he doesn't sell, but who's keeping track?) and finds a cat and takes it in.}

September first came faster than expected. The matron took me to the station and returned. I knew that the other children were just too happy to see me go, and the feeling was mutual.

I couldn't find Platform Nine to Three Quarters at first, then I saw a family of pale people go through a barrier - I followed. I tried to load my trunk on the train, but it was too heavy. Luckily for me, two red-headed boys approachd me and helped me. They introduced themselves as Fred and George Weasley, I thanked them - and they left to help another. (Seriously, with all of the people that Fred and George apparently help onto the train every year, they've got to be getting paid for this!)

On the train I had a compatment to myself. Well, that was until three boys joined me. One of them was the child from the pale, blonde family that shown me the barrier. I had kept out only a book, which I was now busy reading. The youngest of the pale family had entered,and also two rather big boys. I only sunk deeper into my book. The pale boy cleared his throat. With a sigh I lowered my book and politely looked at him. (If you sigh before acknowledging someone, I think it's fair to say that all interaction beyond that point is not 'polite.')

"I'm Draco Malfoy." He introduced himself. He held out his hand. I took it.

"I'm Skye Night."

I returned to my book.

"What are you reading?" He asked me.

"A book." I answered coolly.

"That much was obvious. I meant, what is the title of the book?"

"Hogwarts: A history." (They may as well rename that book 'how to be a Sue,' since it has become the epitome of "Ooooh, look how smart I am!" in this fandom. Seriously, who cares this much about their school? My professors have to force us to even open PDF files on the priest order that established our school. Never mind actually getting us to study the school itself.)

{Snip: Hermione is looking for Neville's toad.}

"I don't know." I answered honestly. (A lot of good reading did you, then.) He looked shocked. "How about you?"

"Slytherin. Pure blood, ambition..."

"I know." I cut him off. Once again he looked shocked. Obviously he wasn't used to people interrupting him. I heard a commotion outside. Someone yelled something about a spider. I rolled my eyes and picked my book up again. Malfoy cleared his throat again. I looked up.


"Where do you come from?"


"Where in London?"

"You don't need to know." I didn't mean to snap at him, but I didn't want people to know that I was from a Orphanage. I obviously couldn’t have just told him the general area or the neighborhood or anything.

He remained silent. (Gee, I wonder why. He's finally actually met someone rudder than he is.) I tried to return to the book, but he cleared his throat again. With a sigh I closed the book and ut it next to me.

{Snip: They talk about the cat, which the Sue has named Shadow. Draco's mouth remains closed for alarmingly lengthy periods of time.}

I looked from him to my reflection in the window. A girl with long, brown hair and light green eyes stared back at me. My hair was neatly tied into a ponytail. I already had my new uniform on. All in all, I looked neat.
For the rest of the trip he asked me random questions. One's that I answered - but I was careful not to let slip any personal information like where I was from. Maybe later I will tell someone, after I've made friends.

sporking: harry potter

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