Jun 20, 2005 17:47
Hmm let's see.. where do I begin? Where I left off I suppose. Hmm.. I was going to Hot Springs, Arkansas to work on production crew. It was amAzing. I miss PrOdUcTiOnS cReW!! ok, so I set the opera curtain on fire.. oops. ok, so I kinda got caught by the baskeball rim coming down the scaffolding. oops. ok, so i get lost out in the wilderness. (i felt so stupid.. i called this guy to ask him to pick me up, and when he asked me where i was, i said.. uh.. i dunno!) the trail goes on and on and on and eeeps!! i was only looking for a place to read!! It was soo amAzing.. that same guy and I became friends so his dad wanted Josie and I to stop by his house in memphis on the way back and.. one sandwhich leads to a phone call and laalaa!! We're auditioning for Grad school in traveling clothes! hehee!! We'll pray and see what happens.
***i had some amazing experiences there.. that's all I"m gonna say about that. heehee!***
Worked camp briarwood last week.. was assigned to a girl with Autism. that was intresting. no one told me her horse saddle wasn't tied. Want some free advice? don't try to jump on the saddle when it's not tied down. You'll end up under the horse (learned from personal experience! whoooot!!). oh.. and horse butts are squishy. :-)
so, I"m all stinky and sweaty with horse grime and lake water (the down syndrome girl was rowing me to the waterfall.. her strength plus the wind helping her really kicked in those adrenaline muscles.. wowsi.. we didn't tip over!! i feel sooo aliiiiive!!!!) and sweat and dirt from intensive games of freezetag in the alamaba sun and anything else you can possibly imagine convering my body.. and leave it to me to forget my pajamas. so i slept on the lunchroom floor in those sweaty stinky clothes. man.. taking a shower 2 days later never felt so wonderful!! (there's normally no showers in lunchrooms.. )
I celebrated my bday yesterday on Father's day.. it was so much fun! We went up to Cheaha and jumped in the cold river that's on the trail. brrr. a fish bit my toe. slid under the waterfall.. wow, talk about refreshing!! I felt like running a marathon - i was so energized!! and still am.. hehee! spent the night in Talledega with Stacy cuz there's no point in going back home.. cuz now I'm at JSU. I'm "teaching". heehee. they told me I'm in charge when after 3, and somewhat in charge before then. i feel so old!! pfffft!!
Tomorrow is a brand new day for old bruises to heal and to gain new ones! There's gonna be sunshine (or rain) to rejoice in! Praise the Lord!!!!