Title: The Fire of Love Burns Slow
Author: Shiri & Majandra
Disclaimer: We don't own them. We just like to play with them.
Summary: Andre looses someone close to him and in his journey of mourning, glimces into the past are revealed.
Couple: Brendan Fehr/Andre Noble
Rating: PG-13
Feedback: Is appreciated. Jeers or cheers, it doesn't matter. Constructive critisum is nice.
Notes: This is semi bassed off of Ladder 29. Get tissues ready. This is a tear jerker. Oh and if you see any errors in typing, don't pay too much attention because I haven't spell checked or anything. For future chapters, things that have happened in the past are clearly marked in this font.
35 year old Andre Noble sat in the living room of the house he and his husband lived in. He sat with a little girl reading to her as a little boy at on the floor watching tv and coloring.
The little girl, Anna gigled at the TV as a car door could be heard shutting.
"Vroom vroom" The little boy, Byron pointed to the door.
"Daddy, car" Anna spoke. "Daddy home"
"Daddy home" Andre kissed her forehead.
"Go see" Ana spoke
He nodded and handed her the book, getting up and looking out the window.
The red car was parked across the outside of the house, as Jake Gyllenhaal, cheif captian and who the kids called "Uncle Jake" knocked on the door.
Andre opened the door. "Jake... to what do I own this pleasure?"
"It's business this time.." He fell silent, eyeing Andre
"What happened?"
He was quiet, handing Andre one of Brendan's medals. "I'm sorry"
"I..wha--" He took the medal and looked at it. His face went pale when he realized what could have happened. "Did he.."
Jake nodded. "He.. yeah he did"
His face fell.
"We couldn't get.. he told us to let him go"
He nodded slowly.
"He went out..very honorable as usual" Jakke turned towards the door.
"Um..thanks for coming to tell me.."
"If you and the kids need anything.."
He nodded, going out the door.
Andre bit his lip and shut the door slowl.y
The kids were in the room playing.
Andre walked over to the couch and sat down quiet.
Anna eyed him. "Daddy?"
Andre sat back and ran his hand over his mouth, his bottom lip quivering slightly.
Anna eyed him then Byron
"Where daddy?" Byron spoke up.
"Daddy's not coming back" Andre mumbled.
"Wha?" Anna eyed him.
A tear ran down his cheek.
"Wha wrong?"
"Daddy's gone somewhere else"
He pointed up at the ceiling.
"Where Granny is?"
He nodded.
She started crying
"C'mere sweetie" He opened his arms to her.
She went over to him holding onto him
He pulled her close as Byron came over as well and he hugged both kids.