Fic/Art Rec: Artmasterlist Quickies Round 1!

Jun 09, 2016 16:35

Oh gosh, just look at this lovely collection of art and fic, so gorgeously gathered in one pretty post. The quicky_bang popped my LJ comm/challenge cherry (how appropriate, no?), and it was fantastic preparation for my first spn_j2_bigbang, which I just got to post today! ( Check it out here!) I've had three opportunities now to work with three amazing authors, and I'm so looking forward to what LJ has next in store! :) Anyhoo, go check out the awesome art and fic below! ♥

Originally posted by beelikej at Artmasterlist Quickies Round 1!
HERE IT IS: all the awesome art that was made for the first ever quicky_bang!
Thank you, wonderful and generous authors for offering your short stories to play with. KUDOS to all the amazing artists who enthusiastically claimed those fics and created these cool pieces of fanart.
I love you all so much!
Now it's your turn, readers, lurkers and passers-by: see if you missed anything and then shower all participants with your adoration, they deserve it:) <3<3<3

Artwork for:
Artist: dancing_adrift
Medium: digital drawing
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Rating: PG-13

Artwork for:
It All Burns (Wait It Out)
Artist: amberdreams
Medium: digital drawing
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: PG-13

Artwork for:
Artist: milly_gal
Medium: digital photo-art
Characters: Sam, Dean
Rating: R

Artwork for:
Anything You Say...
Artist: milly_gal
Medium: digital photo-art
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Rating: NC-17

Artwork for:
Artist: stormbrite
Medium: digital photo-art
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: PG-13

Artwork for:
Bring Me a Dream
Artist: dancing_adrift
Medium: digital drawing
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Rating: G

Artwork for:
Cherry Bomb
Artist: milly_gal
Medium: digital photo-art
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17

Artwork for:
Dick Move Winchester
Artist: stormbrite
Medium: digital photo-art
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: PG-13

Artwork for:
Everything's Bigger in Texas
Artist: milly_gal
Medium: digital photo-art
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Rating: NC-17

Artwork for:
Gratuitous Kitten Pinups
Artist: stormbrite
Medium: digital photo-art
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Rating: G

Artwork for:
The Ice Age
Artist: beelikej
Medium: papercutting
Characters: Sam, Castiel
Rating: PG-13

Artwork for:
In The Earth
Artist: stargazingchola
Medium: digital drawing
Character: Dean
Rating: PG-13

Artwork for:
In This Depression
Artist: stargazingchola
Medium: digital photo-art
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: PG

Artwork for:
Make Something Good...
Artist: lennelle
Medium: coloured pencils
Characters: Sam, (Ruby)
Rating: PG-13

Artwork for:
Artist: milly_gal
Medium: digital photo-art
Characters: Sam, Dean
Rating: PG-13

Artwork for:
Artist: milly_gal
Medium: digital photo-art
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17

Artwork for:
Artist: milly_gal
Medium: digital photo-art
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17

Artwork for:
Some Time Off
Artist: angelus2hot
Medium: digital photo-art
Pairing: Dean/Benny
Rating: PG-13

Artwork for:
There's a UFO over New York
Artist: beelikej
Medium: papercutting
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Rating: NC-17

Artwork for:
Touch and Go
Artist: 2blueshoes
Medium: digital drawing
Characters: Sam, Dean
Rating: PG-13

*Rolls around in all the amazing art*

(For the love of fandom, please let me know if I messed up a teaser, title, link or anything else)


fanart, fic, art, quicky_bang, fanfic, challenges

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