Apr 04, 2016 21:00

I'm having a hard time braining right now (I just submitted two job applications, and that always wipes me right out), but I still want to post an update re: several fandom things about which I am I am resorting to a bulleted list. And all items are "Bang!" related, so, well, that's cool, right? XP
  • I submitted art for a challenge!! :D - Not only my first art submission on LiveJournal, but also the first submission for Round 1 of the quicky_bang! Woohoo! *feels like she won something* XP I had so much fun with my first claim that I am seriously tempted to claim another. Artists don't seem to be claiming fics super fast, which I suppose is partially a result of this being the very first time this challenge has been issued. I'll give others (and myself) a little more time before claiming another, just to be fair.
  • I'm writing fic! - You might not be able to see anything at that link yet, but soon there should be three awesome fics there, all submissions for the first round of "Selfie!Bang." The Selfie!Bang is a little writing challenge between myself, non_tiembo_mala, and gluedwithgold in which we all write stories based off the same prompt. This is especially challenging for the three of us because we all are usually so involved in each others' writing (I beta for both, NTM and I collaborate a LOT, and GWG and I have actually co-written fic together) that it's tough to not have each other to rely on during the writing process. *giggles, because, 'process'* But that also makes it exciting, because it will be really interesting to see how we take the same idea and make it into our own unique fics. And it's an extra challenge for me because I'm pretty sure I'm the slowest writer ever, and definitely the least experienced, but I'm pretty pleased with what I have so far (which is, I believe, the most I've ever written by myself so far, too). So *that* is definitely something I need to finish before I think about claiming another fic for the Quicky_Bang, lol. (Due date is April 10th, so keep your eyes peeled if interested! :D)
  • Big Bang 2016 is ON! - I didn't mention it here, but I am officially signed up to claim a fic for the 2016 spn_j2_bigbang challenge! *squees* I was reading over some of the teasers today, and it looks like there is a LOT of great stuff to look forward to. I'm so excited that I decided to leap off that particular cliff and sign up!!
With all that said, I've included the link to the Quicky_Bang below in case anyone is interested in checking out the fics waiting to be claimed. From what I've read so far, it's a pretty great group - lots of awesome opportunities for art! I hope to see as many fics claimed as possible by the end of April, and I can't wait to see the art that comes from it! <3

fic, selfie!bang, fanfic, fanart, art, quicky_bang, writing, challenges

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