Jan 09, 2008 10:20
So yesterday I went in for my second prenatal appointment and I was semi excited because the baby's heartbeat would be heard. So as I get there I couldn't remember if I had an ultrasound because I barley drank enough water to pee in a cup. I got my weigh-in and I actually lost weight which apparently is typical in the first trimester. So she puts some lubricant jelly on my stomach and proceeds to listen for the baby's heartbeat. After hearing just my insides swirl around she got concerned. So on Thursday I am due for an ultrasound because the only qualified technician won't be in until then. Great. I am just worried about taking the time off of work because of the appointments. I was glad that I didnt' go back yesterday because it was such a nice day!
Bob left work early too and Tuesday's are usually our date night so it was perfect. We came home,changed and played with the soccor ball in the park. We talked a ton about how things are going to change but having a little bundle of joy will make me feel complete. I don't think it will hit him until he sees the ultrasound. Then after we went to Lemon Grass and even though it was a bit pricey it was good. My noodle bowl was phenominal. After dinner we went for a walk and Bob enjoys that. Its the one thing we do together that is calming and we both realized that this is how Jamaica is at night. Cool and warm. At first we both thought our plans would be put on hold but I was assuring him that things will work out just fine. Instead of going to Jamaica right away, we gave ourselves the time limit of 4 years from two weeks ago. He's leaving me in the beginning of February to look for land and work on a new hotel that is completely sustainable. I am just excited he got on the crew because he will have a better idea of what to expect when building our home. Its all so exciting. Everyone that I know that has gotten married went out to buy a home right afterwards and I always thought that was silly. Why would you want to live in a place you just happen to find? The excitement of building your own house is way more exciting. My father will be able to visit the site as well to see how the crew works. He can build anything so that will be awesome to build the house with my family. Who knew that packing tires down with dirt could build a sturdy and fully sustainable home? I think the only trouble we will have is having enough money to pay for solar panels. At least in the US the government helps pay for them. I am trying to finish school in that time so after the baby is born its back to the grind. I might just take one class next semester but I am unsure. We talked about moving out of Rochester which at this point is looking like a fantastic idea. I have left this place and come back only to realize that Rochester is the black hole of New York. You want to leave but there is an unknown force that just keeps you here.