Nov 24, 2007 20:21
I always manage to loose my phone and it bad...seriously bad. Anyway things have been great. With thanksgiving and my birthday all behind me I feel incredibly old. I had a tiny get together at my house and I got tipsy off of the pomegranate liquor. You would think I would be over it but I brined the turkey in a pomegranate. I cooked a slamming meal for my in-laws and they loved it. Robert got a nice room for us at the delmonte lodge for that evening to the next day. It was great to get time to relax and quite frankly I needed some time. I haven't spoken much to anyone because I am in my own little bubble. I feel safer that way so I can stay away from drama kings and queens. I'm done with that. I'm done with certain people. At first I thought I would be incredibly sad but after having so many people screw me over I honestly feel nothing at all....that is so sad to me. As I get older I realize the most important thing to me is my family. Secondly, my art my talent. For so long I have let people tell me I'm not good enough and now I have had enough! I deserve my chance like everyone else. I won't back down, I'll glance back on occasion but to move forward means more to me than anything else in my life.
I'm thankful for my breath
I'm thankful for my life
I'm thankful for my family
I'm thankful for my friends
I'm thankful that I'm kind
I'm thankful that I'm strong
I'm thankful for artistic expression
I'm thankful for dance
I'm thankful for song
I'm thankful for actor/actresses
I'm thankful for nature
I'm thankful for being...
The list goes on and on...