Aug 29, 2006 07:06
i guess life is pretty good. i can't believe it's only the third full week of school! ahhh it feels like forever. this is like the limbo time between summer and when all my extra curriculars begin to consume my life. right now, it's just school, home, school, home. i need a change of scenery! and i NEED dance! ahhh i cannot wait. we have rehearsal wednesday night, but after that, classes don't start until september 11. ahhh. start NOW!
hopefully, i'll be getting my herbst off wednesday! YAY!
i actually did my homework at home last night. that's why i'm updating right now. i'm not rushing around trying to get things done last minute and such.
AHHH guess whattt?!? my school is finallyyyy recycling! some girl just walked in my english classroom and brought in a green bin and was like "if y'all have any paper, just put it in here instead of the trash can." YAYYY! it's about time.
if you weren't aware, i tinted the tips of my hair an awesome pinkish/reddish color saturday. unfortunately, it's pretty much all faded out already. it's supposed to take 8-10 washes, but apparently, it'll be less than that. when i took a shower this morning, i looked down, and saw that the water was pink. :( *tear*
well, the bell's about to ring. hasta luego, mis amores.