*...all i wanna do is look at you and know i'm okay...*

Nov 26, 2004 22:44

i feel a big update coming on...

new layout....like it? hate it? leave an opinion...

6 days until my birthday...i know you are all pumped. I'm expecting many big gifts, dont let me down. Sweet 16, here i come. Plus, a new piercing right in my belly button. I'm so pumped.

It's funny how i look at things now. The biggest things barely get me mad. people's ignorance doesn't seem to effect me the way it use to. I'm getting over a lot of shit. independence isn't as bad as i thought it would be. go figure, the person i'm closest to is miles away. i never would have pictured being this happy with so much less. i guess it's true what they say though, everything happens for a reason.

Isn't it funny when people say "We NEED to hang out" and you never do for no reason at all. It's probably one of the biggest bullshit lines I've ever recieved.

Cheerleading is over. It's pretty bitter sweet. I've been absolutly DIEING to go back to dance and now that my time isn't being eaten up by cheering, I can finally do what I WANT to do. I've decided agasint going back winter season. It just doesn't seem worth it anymore, plus the fact that practice times changed so it's not like I would even be able to cheer even if I wanted to. Dance comes first and why I didn't realize that in the beginning is beyond me. The fall season was great while it lasted and it was a great group of girls, but there is nothing like the girls I dance with and I can't wait to get back into the swing of things.

Speaking of dance, the Holiday Stroll is tomorrow night. Weird. Just weird. This is the first year that I am actually going to be walking around. This is the first year that I am not dancing in the stroll. A few tears will come, I'm sure. But next year, you better believe I will be dancing in it again. Hopefully I'll just walk around with Peter and mingle here and there. And, tomorrow night will be the first time I see Miss Cathy since the 4th of July. God, you don't even know how great it's going to be to see her again.

My brother is coming home like all the time now and you would think that I would be happy to see him but it just seems like everytime he comes home, there is more and more to argue about. And with him living here for a while next semester...Well, I don't even know what i'm going to do with myself. I'm glad to see him, but I just wish things between me and him were a little bit different, ya know?

I find it pretty pety of people to leave anonymous comments about me saying stuff like "you have it SO good and all you do is complain" or "you are a fat ugly slut". Hmmmmm...first of all, don't tell me to not complain. I'm pretty sure this is my journal, which basically means this is dumping grounds for the shit I want to leave in here. If you don't like what I have to say, then don't read it. And as far as your numb-minded comments go, if you think I'm going to leave them up for people to read and then comment on and continue to bash me, think again. It's called a "delete" button and I'm more than happy to press it on stupid comments I recieve. And like I said, shit like this doesn't effect me the way it use to, so don't bother. Even if it did, how am i suppose to take comments on a website from anonymous users seriously...

enough of that topic...

So...haircut?? I'm thinking it's about time for one. Even though I like the length of my hair, it's just getting too hard to maintain and it's taking forever to straighten. I'm kind of thinking a cut similar to the one Kristin from Laguna Beach has, but I'm not sure...any opinions? Any other suggestions? I'd like to keep my bangs and go short, but if you have any other suggestions, shove them my way.

I know my picture update has been pretty sparce lately but what can I say besides "Photobucket, you suck".

More later, Leave a comment <3
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