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Oct 25, 2004 15:34

man oh man did this last weekend rock. twas definitely the best ive had in quite some time. hung out w/ kel/katie/jordan on friday night, saw some lovely i heart huckabees. sat morn = ben at my doorstep :) i dont get to say that often so im going to relish it. anyways, saturday day was filled w/ record breakers and eternal sunshine and garibaldi's (spelling?) and just some good ol' fashioned hanging out. then we proceeded to the kickass city of chicago. didnt get lost either :) the concert was effing amazing. very quaint small show, twas my first time being in an actual pub, hahaha. all the bands were good, i picked up the neva dinova cd cuz they thoroughly impressed me. and of course tim kasher and his good life made the night beautiful. inmates live = heaven. oooh and it was my first 18+ show. let me just say that drunk people at concerts make me laugh, and it was very pleasant to not have the 15 yr old punk kids effing w/ the scene. so yes that was grand, i also got a calendar (good life album art!! what up), a teeshirt, and an effing cool sticker. sunday was good as well, definitely more of a chill day w/ cupcakes for breakfast and what not. hahaha. pictures were taken, including some w/ the little sis who absolutely adored ben... then goodbyes were said. at which point my weekend turned from awesomely amazing to blah homework time. lol. attempted alot of it last night but unexpected crap got in the way... tonight should be another lovely late night of hw, including finishing off the u of i app as i promised my counselor i would. ooh and i found out my sat II scores, but idk if they are good or not?? idk whats consider good in the sat world... hmm so if you know, be a dear and tell me so ill cease my worrying. hope all your weekends were grand, especically you kids who did the high school thang and went to homecoming. mwah~
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