My self - goddamn messed up

Aug 04, 2013 05:13

So. I had a stomach bug starting on tuesday - the kind where every stomach symptom you can POSSIBLY have - I had. And it continued on Wednesday. And Thursday. But in my family we have a history of gastrointestinal problems a mile long the way some people have the cancer gene so on thursday my mom was like "thats it you're going to my GI doctor." So we went, Dr Han poked around and then said "You need to go to the ER. Now. It could be your gallbadder or appendix or intestines and something could be ruptured. Get a CT scan and go right now." She even wrote me a prescription to give to the triage nurse. YEAH. Lots of morphine, anti-nausea medication, and a saline IV drip later I could at least breathe. Then they brought in a freaking QUART of the foulest yellow liquid EVER MADE which is a contrast dye for the CT scan that I had to drink and 5 hours, a scan, a urinalysis, five vials of blood and a bunch of drugs later I was sent home with the diagnosis of a UTI and that it was possibly gastritis(an inflammation or erosion of the stomach and in my case intestine lining) or severe ulcers right were my stomach and intestine meet.

I was put on a clear liquid diet - this is Thursday mind - and Friday I went to the GI doctor again. She checked more and declared that I needed to stay on the liquid diet, the anti-nausea meds, the opiate pain meds, the antacids, the anti-gas meds, the anti-diahrrea meds, and that on monday I would come in for an endoscapy(which is a full anasthesia procedure) and possible biopsy to find out what exactly is wrong with me. There is no guarantee that after Monday I'll be off liquid dieting(in fact I doubt it). Then on Friday I come back for an ultra-sound because the GI doctor is fairly sure that there is something wrong with my gallbladder on top of this too. Yay.

I feel like hell, in case you were wondering. The fluid diet is killing me. KILLING ME. Killing me. And I hurt and I am so damn tired and my mood is abysmal and I just want it to be over already. Seriously cut me open if thats what it takes. I just want this to be over.

You don't have to give me any sympathetic words. I just needed to rant.

However if you want to help, my bookmarks section on my AO3 account as a lot of bookmarks that say SHOULD BE PODFICCED which would be nice because there are many many hours of me lying curled up and fetal with my eyes closed hating everything. Other than that, things just suck in Rachael's body right now and I needed to vent that somewhere.

If you want to see some stuff that doesn't suck check out to see my interviews from Comic Con. That's actually good.

my body is attacking me, real life, sick

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