Time may change me but I cant change time

Sep 21, 2012 03:12

So, I've been very quiet lately. That's because things have changed a lot recently.

Real life - wow. Crazed. In August I graduated from Skyland Trail and am officially done with Treatment. So. 10 months and a huge amount of progress later, I'm finished with the hospital level element of handling my mental health. I'm in transition now which is so scary and exhausting and boring and slow and different. It's new and I dont really know what to do with myself now but I'm figuring it out. The anxiety is a bit worse and I find myself having spontaneous breakdowns over Dolores' death but other than that - I'm pretty freaking stable.

Work wise - I'm currently writing a lot. In fact, all my job related life is focused on it.

I'm writing for a real live website now - Den of Geek. You can read my reviews and primer at my tag on the site, though its unpaid. It still gets my work out there. Strangers are reading my work and that is something else. Tomorrow I write my first official review for Haven. I'm both terrified and elated. I'll be posting links to the reviews as they go up. :D

I'm also working on a nonfiction novel that my mom is actually paying me to write. She wants the story and I want the money. :D It's an equitable arrangement. I'm waiting for the last paper work to go through for substitute teaching eligability in the area because it's a part time job that I can both not die of boredom from and build my own schedule while possibly opening a door for a stable job and giving me time to write.

In addition, I'm up for a few writing and editing jobs at the CDC. Yeah, THAT CDC. I dont know either. It's crazy. /o\ I want it bad you guys. I dont like the idea that it ties me to Atlanta but the jobs are SO good and the insurance is good and they are actively hiring people with disabilities - mental and physical - so it would be safe to disclose. And I'd be getting paid to write - even if it is medical writing.

And finally, I got a new computer. Ruby, my old one, is assisted living and after almost 6 years, it was time. I've gone from a Dell XPS to a MacBook Pro. I'm still learning it but so far? I'm in love. I had to wait but it was worth it. The only thing wrong with Allison (My new computer, she is silver and kicks ass --> Argent means silver-->Allison Argent kicks ass-->Allison) is that it lacks Microsoft Word and I currently can't afford to get it. Open Office is fine but I miss word.

Fandom wise - Teen Wolf ate me. I've gotten all my new stuff up on AO3 and will be posting it here probably tomorrow. I'm working with
knight_tracer on some collaborations and that is a JOY. I'm way less in bandom but thats due to lack of inspiration and the hiatus more than anything though YAY CONVENTIONAL WEAPONS. COME TO ME! I'm on tumblr a lot more though I dont more than find cool stuff and comment on it. IF you want to follow me I'm RachaelRambles over there. MCR/Teen Wolf/Avengers/Liberal Politics/anything that looks cool is whats going on over there. If you want me to follow you, just let me know who you are! I loves the peoples.

And thats it really. I missed you guys. *hugs* But I'm back now :D

rollercoaster of crazy, real life, teen wolf, writing, den of geek

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