I wanna be your superhero even if I tumble, fall. Im okay. You know I need you desperately. Oh yeah.

Sep 12, 2011 05:58

*Sighs* Entourage series finale aired tonight. I just. I dont know. There's a lot of shit wrapped up in that show for me. If I stopped and did a wordcount, I'd be willing to bet I wrote a good half a million words about that show over the course of the last five years. And I just... Ugh. You guys. MY heart. I have no idea how many of you are on my FList because of this. I know that Teresa and I are friends in real life through this show. I know that I had found the guy I wanted to lose my virginity to based on the way he understood my connection to this show. It was big. It was really big and it now its just...gone. How gone?

We learned Mrs Ari's first name. That gone. It's really over now, yall. And I just. Feelings damnit. Feelings. I may have to do a rather massive rewatch at some point. And cry. I suspect there will be a lot of crying. Goddamnit. BOYS.

I'm going to leave it with one of my favorite moments of the entire series.

Vince: You’re telling me you’re willing to fuck up our friendship? Cause if this doesn’t work out, there’s no turning back. My best friend, I can’t fire. But my manager, he’s replaceable.
E:That’s a chance I’m willing to take.
- Entourage, Season 1, Episode 8, New York

Jesus. BOYS. I'll miss you. So damn much.

i can't even deal with this, eric/vince, entourage

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