I laid down to go to sleep about two hours ago and spent about 45 minutes trying before my brain's desperate scrambling attempts to sort out the tattoo I want got to be way to much to deal with. I physically couldnt lay still at which point you realize, yeah, you must sort this shit out.
So, I got up and opened my laptop ready to write a long rambly post here about how frustrating it was. Only instead,
b_dsaint and
rivlee were both on. And I dont know if you know this, but
b_dsaint is a wiz with photoshop. No she's serious magic. Go check out some of the shit she's whipped together. It's amazing. Anyway, I described what I wanted in intricate, nitpicky detail. And eventually, the basic idea, of the Revenge guns with one of the three things I need for myself to succeed - Faith, Courage, Strength - in the center, turned into the Revenge guns with all three words in the center. There was more tweaking because the center was fucking EMPTY. It needed something. Various song lyrics were toyed with by me and
rivlee before I batted them over to
b_dsaint the main ones being:
We'll Carry On
I'm Taking Back the Life You Stole
Awake and Unafraid (which I love so much I'm saving for my wrist to compliment the planned You Can Be More tattoo)
In the end,
rivlee suggested a line from Thank You for the Venom that was so fucking perfect and utterly obvious that it blows my mind that it didnt occur to me. I blame lack of sleep and lack of distance. But in the end, what she suggested,
b_dsaint showed me and I picked was this:
Of course it had to be fucking Fire At Will. It's everything I want it to be. It's the next step - taking action. Faith, courage and strength are what I need to do acheive whatever I set my mind to. Fire at will - that's me, taking mother fucking action and also saying - bring it on. Bring it all the fuck on. I've got those three things to shield me from most of it (as the gun position lends) and what gets through, I can handle because I'm firing back. God, fuck, I am really excited.
Step 1 - Cut strings
Step 2 - Stand up
Step 3 -(watch this space, when we get there, I'll let you know)