So, in unsurprising news, I love my job. No, really, I do. Today my supervisor Mike swung by whilest I was working and sipping on the smoothie I had had delivered. He flops into the bench across from my desk and we has a conversation that goes something like this:
Mike: I have visions some times.
Me: Oh yeah? *amused - its been a LONG shift*
Mike: Yeah. Like that drink? I bet I can guess where it came from.
Me: Okay. Where?
Mike: California Chicken Grill.
Me: Nice. Yeah, totally is.
Mike: And the person who delievered it was a young guy maybe? He had shaggy brown hair and amazing blue eyes.
Me: *grinning* Maybe.
Mike: He also might have been wearing black socks and long baggy beige shorts and a black shirt and been fucking gorgeous.
Me: God, wasn't he?
Mike: He stopped by Kellum Hall looking for you to deliver your food. He was like "where's Rachael" and I was all...there's a Rachel working here but she didnt order food and sent him back in your direction. Holy crap, girl, he's stunning.
Me: Right? It's about half the reason I keep ordering from them.
Hee. After he left though, I started to REALLY notice the Huge Fucking Ant Problem in the office. Dudes, its bad. I'm bringing a massive can of Raid to work next Saturday. This isnt cool. I also busted a guy on the premises at 3:30am. Not a big deal except this is an all girl hall and there's a curfew for boys which is 2am. And not to be Judgey Judgmental and all, cause lord knows I had a relationship with a 35 year old when I was 21 but this guy was born in '85 to her '90 and, I dont know, its skeeved me. Maybe because he VIBED skeevy and maybe because at 21 I wasn't a vulnerable, newly separated from my parents freshman (and also I kinda bullied him into giving us a shot ABBA style[if you change your mind,I'm the first in line, baby I'm still free, take a chance on me]) but dude, he vibed predatory to me. But its not my place to say anything so I contented myself with making sure his not-allowed-to-be-there ass left the building..
I would like to go a freaking week without having to file a report of some kind though. Seriously. I'm two for two so far. They're annoying and they make my hand cramp. But, I'm a stickler for rules. I just wish people would have a little less flagrant disregard for them because it makes my life harder :(. Losers.
In other news, I've kinda...and an idea for an MCR tattoo. No, I'm not going to get the band name tattooed on me or anything. I'm not that dramatic(or stupid). But I kind of want to do the Revenge circle of guns, this one
with the word "Hope" or "Believe" instead of MCR because they inspire me to do both for myself. *shrugs* I'm no going to run out and do it but its an idea and I kinda love it. Maybe one day.
It is getting to be time for another one though. The puppet was freedom, now its time to do one about getting grounded, anchored. It's lovely to think about and even more lovely to know that I've found something that works for me. It's a fun thing to muse on when work gets boring and I feel stretched thin.
So how are you? Wanna come hang out with me tonight? I'll be around all evening ;)