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oanja January 8 2010, 16:13:51 UTC
*flails* This was beyond awesome! I knew it would be when you mentioned that you were doing a 'family man' AU but I still didn't know it would be this great. \0/

I don't remember the actual movie that well but I don't remember it showing what happened on the other side to the other guy, so if that was your twist to the story it was soooo cool!

I mean the other Pete sorting out Pete's life. The part where he found Bronx again and he had never been adopted made me all teary eyed, and how Pete just started this campaign to get him back, because he knew Bronx was supposed to be with him. (waah~ Kid!Fic how I love you) I felt so bad for him though, I mean he didn't deserve what happened to him. And it's so good that '0ur' Pete didn't screw up his life too badly.

I'm really glad that Mikey found out about the switch, that way when the right Pete got back it was easier to fix things.

Loved how during the Christmas it really hit Pete it was real when he met Patrick again. I just love their relationship and how much Pete always relies on him. (can't help it, they are my bandom otp after all) Also I have no idea if it's true that he's dating Rihanna, but if it is that's so cool and they made an adorable couple in this story either way. ^_^

It was really heart breaking when Pete was watching all those home videos after that epic fight he had with Mikey. It really hammered the point home how badly he was messing things up in that universe, that the Pete there really didn't care about being famous that much, that he would never had said those things to Mikey. And also how things could have been so different for Pete and how alone he really was in the universe where he belonged to. (also loved that Bob was filming all those things, heh, well I just love any mention of him so I'm biased)

I might have had other things I wanted to gush about but I can't think of them now and I think this ramble is already too long and doesn't make any sense. Just wanted to let you know I loved this to bits. *mems*


dancinbutterfly January 25 2010, 05:49:18 UTC
I'll be here, taking a bath in this review. *snuggles into it* Thank you so much bb


chuckaloonie February 15 2010, 07:01:23 UTC
Oh this was just the most adorable story ever!
What I loved the most about it, is the fact that, in the end, is the people you love and who loves you what really gives meaning to your life.
Empty!Pete had money, and fame, and success, and the best friends somebody could hope for, but it was so clear that something was missing because he didn't have anyone to share it with.
I also loved how both Petes helped each other. Granted, Domestic Pete helped Empty Pete way more than the other way around, but still, Empty Pete kind of gave Domestic Pete his career back by accepting the tour, which we know D. Pete wouldn't have. Also, by being away he got to appreciate even more how lucky he was to have a family, how worth it it had been to fight for his relationship in the first place, even if it cost him his career, because now he got actual proof that he made the right choice.

Patrick, Gerard and Frank were amazing in both universes, because some things just never change.

You did an amazing job, because you took the movie to the next level. I always wondered what had happen to Domestic Nicholas Cage in the movie while the other one was living his life, I even thought they were planning on a sequel with the other side of the story but it never came; so I loved that you included both sides on this story.

Also, it was really clever of you to think about something like the tattoo. Because, let's face it, if it'd been just Pete acting different and forgetting things, it would've been a little bit unrealistic for Mikey to believe the whole alternate universes story. The fact that the tattoo wasn't there, that he didn't even have a scarr to show that Pete got it removed, any kind of proof that the tattoo was there a few weeks ago, that was what made it believable IMO. So kudos for that, because a lot of writers just hope that we're invested enough in the story that we don't get bothered by such "details". But to me, is precisely the attention to detail what makes a good writer.


chuckaloonie February 15 2010, 07:03:19 UTC
Ooops! Sorry, I reply to someone else's comment instead of posting one of my own.


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