Jul 14, 2009 04:51
Good first - housing drama is sorted. Only took 6 hours, more than a dozen phone calls, four failed faxes, a trip through torrential rain and more than 20 dollars in Kinos fees to straighten out but I have a place to live next semester.
Now the bad - because I apparently cant have a day this week without a shitstorm.
My pills are gone. I accidentally left them here at my dad's when I left Friday. Its a 60 pill prescription of Ultram - 1 pill a day so that I can sleep without pain, stomach aches(the advil...is bad for me) or a severe hangover. I got it filled on June 10th and I've missed a couple days. I can haz maths, can you? However you slice it, that's more than 20 pills.
Guys this pain medication allows me to function. It is the thing that allows me to sleep comfortably - even if it is on a cracky schedule.
My dad is out of town for the next two days but I want to believe he just moved them. I need to believe that dad just moved them. He has no use for them - if he wants to roll back down the slippery slope of drug abuse, this drug is not the one he would take. I have muscle relaxants and opiod painkillers in the bag where the now empty bottle was put(note: not where I left it). If he was going to take something, he's a fucking doctor. He knows what will fuck with your head and my Ultram is not going to.
So I am trying REAL hard to give him the benefit of the doubt. Because if one of those thirteen people he's decided is his new family STOLE from me and went so far as to take the only fucking drug in my VAST ARRAY OF PILLS that is a non-narcotic pain reliever that DOESNT EVEN GET YOU HIGH which I genuinely cannot do without I will be very. Very. Angry.
I had to take tylenol and a flexeril instead. That's a muscle relaxer, and it works brilliantly on pain, it really does. But fuck me, the hangover is bad. So, there goes my day tomorrow. :(
father doesnt know best,
sleep issues,