A question to my sharp legal minds!

Mar 09, 2009 00:37

Hey Flist

I know that someone of you are lawyers, law students, or are spouses/partners with lawyers. I need help from anyone of you who fit that bill!

I'm looking at taking the LSATs because, well, I like to think I'm a clever girl and I could probably be a decent lawyer. Plus, since spending time in Europe, I find myself very interested, weirdly. tesla321 has proved to me you can still write and practice law so I'm a little less scared of losing this thing I love by possibly pursing this option.

So - If you are a lawyer or better yet, a current law student - tips would be great.

When did you take your LSATs by in relation to when you started law school? What's a competitive score? Do you like it? How hard was law school? Should I even bother? Would you write me a recommendation ;-) ? Any wisdom anyone has is begged for.


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