NYC is the place for me

Jul 08, 2004 23:53

So I woke up at about 7 today to take my borther to football practice, which he might be quiting any day now but if I give him a hard time about it I think he'll actually stick with it. I then came home and took out the trash and and vacuumed the house and tiddied up so that I could go to the city without having to worry about getting yelled at when I got home because I didn't clean the house. It's now about 8 and I just finished cleaning so it was time to shower and eat breakfast after which Jenn calls me and says she just has to pack her bag and then she'll be over to get me....I pack my bag and put the finishing touches on my look and took a last look in the mirror and head out the door (don't worry I was cute).

So we drive to Metro-Park station and park on the 4th floor so it was like a frickin loop-ta-loop getting to a space and then Jenn gets a bunch of coins back when she puts a $20 into the machine because she didn't have a $5 what a douche lol. Next thing ya know we're on the train which was only 10.25 round tirp (off peak though) and I'm like hellz ya that's not a bad price at all I'm excited hehe. after about 4/5 stops we're in NY and we got off the train and boi oh boi was it hott. We see a midget as we walk up the stairs to the street level and Jenn just has to call Colleen and freak her out and tells her that we are gonna rent him out and have him just chase her around for a couple of hours (Colleen is terrified of midgets). After that we hit the streets and prepare for some serious walkin and shoppin...

We hadn't been walkin more than 5 mins when Jenn almost eats it, "what a spaz" I said as me and some random person who saw laughed at her. Then we hit up Old Navy first for about 45 mins and then we headed back out into the heat and we hadn't been walkin long before we see a dude and his chick ridin bitch on his motorcycle but the funny part is that you could see her ass jiggle all the way down the street, until you couldn't see them anymore it was kinda like a train reck you know??..the things you shouldn't look at but can't rip your eyes away from it. Yes, I know I am horrible and I am gonna go to hell with gasoline undies on, you don't have to tell me twice lol.

Now it's time for lunch because Jenn is hungry and wouldn't shut the hell up until we stopped to eat lol. Which was fine with me and all and I didn't really care until the unthinkable happened. That's right I got jacked by the fuckin ATM, I was soo pissed. I took out $20 and that should have left me with atlest $7 but the balance just said $0 so I have to call the bank or check an atm from down here to find out if I got over charged for about 8 bucks (including the ATM fee). So needless to say I was kinda pissed the entire lunching but I wouldn't let it get me down because we had more shoppin to do and it wouldn't be fair to Jenn to make her put up with my crabbiness. Little did I know Jenn would start throwin her own little fit with "my feet hurt", "my stomach hurts" and it went on and on and on and on and you get the point but I just told her to shove a cock in it lol. You know how I do I'm blunt lol. The thing that finally shuts her up is that she almost eats it again and this time is soo close to hitting the ground she has to grab onto me for dear life oh boi I almost busted my side laughing...

It's now about 6 and after about 7 hours give or take of walkin around the city it's time to go home because it had been a long day. so we go to the station I go to the bathroom and then we get on the train. As we sit there I pull out my ticket and Jenn starts going through her bag lookin for hers...Gee I wonder what could be coming up, yup that's right the skank hoe can't find her damn ticket so she starts freakn out. Starts takin everything out of her bag and is gettin pissed while I stare at her and laugh (what can I say I'm a bastard). Next the driver gets on the loud speaker and tells us what tickets are allowed on that train at that time and guess what we didn't have that ticket (we had the off peak ones) so we had to get off anyway. Then we go and find a NJ transit thingy so she can get a new ticket and guess what it costed her an additional 10.40 to get a one way ticket and boi was she pissed I could see it in her eyes. So we go you out to sit on the steps while we wait for the next train. Jenn smokes while Erik gets checked out wicked bad like full on eye contact, smiles, and even a wave. Then we went back inside (20mins later) to get our train. we make it there just in time after running like frickin crack heads and come to find out it wasn't the right train at all so we book it off the train and up the steps and into the main lobby where we have to continue to wait.

Next thing you know it say that our train is on stand by and Jenn who is now sweaty and gross (as am I) is startin to freak out. but I sing to her and she starts to feel better, because I'm a crack head and I cause smiles lol. The train comes on time and we get on and go home it's great to sit and kick back our feet mmmmmmmm. All and all the trip was a great success and we're definitely gonna have to do it again but for now I think I'm gonna hit the sack because I'm soo frickin SLEEPY
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