Hey everybody! I'm finally back... wondering what I was doing?
I took a 4 day trip to Colorado (my first time traveling by myself!) to visit my wonderful Aunt Jodi. She is seriously my favorite person on the planet and I had the absolute best time in CO.. it was so hard to leave!! (I'll post some pictures when I have time)
Then I was home for two days.
Then my mom, Nikki, Julian, and I drove to San Francisco. Nikki will be a junior at Berkeley and she had to meet with somebody to sign a lease on Wednesday. Then I had my freshman orientation all day Thursday at San Francisco State!! I'm sooo excited to start college now! I picked out my class schedule and got my ID card (how official!).
My classes are:
-American politics
-modern Hebrew
-critical thinking with ethnic studies
-business math analysis
Then Friday morning I had a private try out for the SFSU cheer team. They are one of the top teams in divison 2 and are really hardcore so I was sooooooo nervous and scared that I wasn't gonna make it, but after the coach taught me a dance, a cheer, and some jumps, she goes "well I usually e-mail people a day or two after they try out to let them know if they made it or not, but I really want you on the team!" So just like that, I'm a college cheerleader!! :)
The team's website is:
http://www.sfsucheerteam.com/ if you wanted to check it out... I'm already listed as part of the new team!
This past week and a half has been amazing... but I'm glad to be back!
Rest of the summer = working (as soon as I get a job!), dancing (at Adage Dance Center in La Verne, 4 days a week), and spending as much time with my friends as possible! Oh, and packing the house too... riiight. Time to go attempt to start cleaning my room. I figure I'll spend an hour or two on it now, then go hang out with Sam (haven't seen him in like a week), then some more cleaning, then time with Allison tonight!
Kerry... don't forget about next Friday and Saturday! :)