(no subject)

Jun 22, 2005 00:00

What are some of your favorite things to do? dance and hang out w/ kitty kat.
Is there someone you need to forgive? no
Is there someone you wish would forgive you? yes
Is there anything you need to forgive yourself for? yes
Your favorite color: baby blue or pink...
Your favorite song: i hope you dance- lee ann womack
Your favorite band: i dont know
Your favorite movie: center stage
Your favorite TV show: .... i dont have one...
Your favorite teacher: mrs. kinnan my 5th grade teacher (i was the teachers petand she loved me thats probly why she ways my favorite)
Your best talent: dance
Your favorite school subject: math
Your favorite day of the week: Friday
Do you like your looks? most of the time
Do you like your body? for the most part
What is your best feature? ugh... i have no idea
Length of hair: the bottom of my shoulder blades...
Color of hair: brow...boring
Color of eyes: hazel
Height: 5'4
Are you athletic? in P.E.
Are you healthy? ....
Are you religious? no
What is your religion? if im not religious i dont have a religion
Do you believe in God? ..... sure why not
Do you get along well with people? yeah...unless they dont like me....then no
Are you fun? i hope so
Name one thing you would change about yourself: i care to much what people think about me
Name one thing you wouldn't change about yourself: .... i dont know
For what are you grateful for? .... Kathline Duggan Pfahlert.
How would others describe you? idk......ask somebody who's my friend

How would you describe a true friend? The person who can finish your sentance for you, someone who you can go to 23/6, and they dont ask any questions, they know how to help and when help is needed.
Who is your best friend? Kathline Pfahlert
How did you meet? softball
Are you a good friend? "awesome"- kat
Have you ever met anyone who was a lot like you? ^ the above stated...
Has a friend ever betrayed you? ... not "technically"
Did you do anything about it? ... no
If yes, what? "no"....that would not be a yes..
Have any of your close friends had a major trajedy? no...
How did you help them? none of them have..
How did it feel to help? i wouldnt know
Have you ever gone through something really difficult and had a friend help you through it? Yes'mm

Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? no mam
Have you ever had a crush on someone who only liked you as a friend? yes
How did you feel? it kinda sucked
Has there ever been someone who had a crush on you but you only liked them as a friend? No.
How did you feel? i wouldnt know...seeing as im stupid and fall for anybody that likes me...
What is the nicest and most loving thing your boyfriend or girlfriend has ever done for you? im drawing a blank here
What makes you jealous? leah and kevin
What makes you angry? fake people
What hurts your feelings? fake people
What makes you happy? poeple caring about me
What have you learned about love? that it a rare a silly thing...and that if you think you have found it, you havent because we are way to young and stupid to really know what love is.
Write about the first time you were in a relationship: fourth grade...jeff gabbard...nuff said
Have you ever thought you were never going to fall in love again? well i was NOT in love w/ jeff...far from it
What made you change your mind? the next guy i found that liked me
Have you ever loved someone and pretended that you were just friends? yes
What were you afraid would happen if you told him or her the truth? that things would be ruined between his girlfriend (my best friend) and me.....
Do you ever wonder if a friend of yours is secretly in love with you? mabey..
What is the best thing about being in a relationship? knowing that they actually care about you..

Make a list of the things you love and appreciate about your mother: she loves me, feeds me, clothes me, can always remind that someone loves me
Make a list of things you dislike about your mother: sometimes, she takes things a little to seriously and she tries to get way to far into my life
Make a list of physical and character traits you inherited from your mother: hair, i dont know, its pretty much even between my mom and dad
Make a list of the things you love and appreciate about your father: i love that he tries to be a part of my life even though he lives 4 states away from me...he wants to me to know that he is my dad and i know that and i love that he tries so hard to make sure i remeber that
Make a list of the things you dislike about your father: he lives 4 states away
Do you have any siblings? half siblings
Brothers: 1
Sisters: 1
Are you the youngest? Oldest? Middle? Only child? oldest
Would you change this? And how? no not really
Do you get along with your siblings? well...yea...seeing as how i dont live w/ them, and only see them 3 times ayear, they hang all ove rme when i do see them
What do you like best about your brother(s)? he is the cutest thing in the world
What do you like best about your sister(s)? she..is also the most adorable girl ever
Are you close to your grandparents? the ones that live in FL yes
Have you lost a grandparent? a great-grandfather

Tough Stuff
Have you ever had anyone close to you die? no
How did you find out? never did
Did you get to say goodbye? didnt happen
Did you go to the funeral? their wasnt one
Have you ever known anyone your age who died? no
How did it feel? didnt
Did it scare you? didnt happen...
Have you ever been in the hospital? like three weeks after i ws born i was really dehidratted and had to go back to the hospital, other than that no
Have your parents or siblings ever been hospitalized? my dad was when he had knee surgury
Do you have an eating disorder? No
Have you ever had an eating disorder? No
Do you have a drug problem? god no
Do you have a drinking problem? god no
Does anyone in your family have a drug problem? no
Does anyone in your family have a drinking problem? no
Are your parents divorced? yes
Do your parents fight constantly? no, surprisingly they get along
Do your parents talk about getting divorced? already are
Have you ever ran away from home? No
Have you ever been physically abused? No
Have you ever been sexually abused? No
Have you ever attempted suicide? No
Have you ever thought about suicide? no
Do you have any friends who have committed suicide? no
Do you have any friends who have attempted to commit suicide? no
Have you ever driven a car while drunk? no
Have you ever been in a car that was being driven by someone who was drunk? no
Do you know anyone who has died in a car accident caused by a drunk driver? no
Do you believe that pain makes us grow? yes mam
Do you let yourself feel your emotional pain or do you try to make it go away? i used to try and make it go away but i met kat and now...that doesnt happen any more...and it feels so much better

Learning Lessons
Do you think people learn from their mistakes? yes, and if they dont..well...
Do you think people can learn the easy way? no
Do you believe things happen for a reason? no...
What is the most important lesson you have ever learned? that not everything that happens is good
Have you ever been too attached to someone? Yes
What happened? i got a reality check
What did you learn? that i get my hopes up...and not to hold feelings in
Have you learned that nobody's perfect? yes
Do you expect yourself to be perfect? no, because if you're perfect then you are boring
Have you ever been in a situation where you felt totally different about something than your friend did? Yes
Were you able to see both sides? yes'mm
Do you try to always look at both sides of a situation? Yes

Growing Up
How old are you? 15
How old do you feel? 15
Do you think all adults are mature? No
Do you think a difficult life makes a person grow up faster? deppends on what is difficult in thier life
What is exciting about growing up? Independance.
What is scary about growing up? independance
Does your family treat you like a grown up? most the time
Do you think of yourself as grown up? most of the time
Do you want to be considered grown up? sometimes yes sometimes no
Who treats you the most like a grown up? my dad
What does that feel like? perty good
What do you want to accomplish in life? to be the best friend and person i can be
Near future:.. pass high school
Later in life: get into duke, become a teacher, get a job, marry an awesome guy and hopefully have a good life
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