May 09, 2005 21:25
Although I've already updated today, I am going to put my emo pants on and rant. Sit tight Amigos.
" Maybe I'm amazed at the way you love me all the time, Maybe I'm afriad of the way I love you "
Today was one those days, when I felt bad about whinging about what I've been whinging about the past couple of weeks. I relaised I had more friends then I thought, and That If I want people to tlak to me, tlaking to them first will not hurt. Today I made and effort, today people made an effort back, every last one of them.
Today I found out why that certain group of people refer to me as 'magpie' in a derogartory sense. Its because I have dark hair and pale skin, and some how the geniuses in that group associated that with a Magpie back in year 9. Clap for them. I laughed. And I stopped worrying about them calling me that. Want to know why? Because its physcial. I couldnt care less what people call me for me physical atributes, I know I am not perfect, heaven knows they are far from it too. It is when it reuards my personality that I should be looking at myself more closeley.
Today I relaised that for every bit of insecruity I have about something, everyone else has the same amount about something else.