Dec 31, 2004 00:03
sooo....i got home like 20 minutes ago. i had bowling practice at 4. i bowled pretty good. we were bowling a game. i had like 4 or 5 strikes in a row and we had to finish. i was bumbed! lol. j/k. then griff drove lauren off at her house. then he drove me home, i grabbed some money, so i could get mcdonalds. we picked up lauren. i went to get some mcdonalds. then we picked up paul. then we went to st.clemets(?) to watch wan play basketball. we got out of there around 9:15ish. then we went to chilies, which was good. then we just sat there talked for awhile. then we went outside. i spanked griffs nce sexy ass(which he always says) lmao. then get got me back. and picked me i was on his soulder for like 2 minutes. then he put me down. then i got him back. but he didnt get me back. hehe! im goooooood. then we dropped off paul. while we were waiting in the car for lauren. it popped in my head that i wont see my sweetie on new years eve! :-( which is really sad. because i want to kiss him on the ball strikes 12. so im really sad now!!!!! my new year with a boyfriend. and i dont even get to see him on new years eve! (sad puppy face). but hopefully ill see him on saturday, after he has to work. cross my fingers! but then he dropped lauren off, then he dropped me off! :-( i was sad! but then im here! tired as hell. im calling my hunni in 10 minutes. because he wants a 3:00am phone call before we go back to school. i dont think its gonna be a 3:00am. just probably at 2:00-2:30am phone call. but im just sitting here, listening to my mom laughing her ass off. its pretty funny. she just keeps going and going. im sooo fucking bored right now. i might be getting a new phone. but im not sure yet. if i do, i have to pay for it with my own money. which isnt that bad. i mean the phone i want is only like $100.00, and i do have the money for it. but i have to talk about it with my mom. and see if she lets me get. my phone i have right now, is a pos! i hate it. the battery is stupid. i have to charge like every 2 nights. i mean it works. i just dont like it. lol. it has like scratches on it from me dropping it. lol. i drop my phone alot. oops! lol. oh well. we'll see. i hope i get a new phone. again i am bored still. im waiting for my sweetie to be done with my email. so i can read it and get off this computer and talk to my sweetie. that i love sooooooooooooooo much! ::kiss:: but im gonna go. because my fingers are starting to hurt. and my eyes hurt from looking at this screen. lol.
<3 catie
i love you griff!!!!!! <3