Feb 12, 2005 16:05
Hey. Ok, so this weekend was tottally awesome too! Me and Mike went to the club, which was fun. Then mike had to go home to leave for Kentucky. I went to party with Brandon and all them ppl after I dropped him off. All I can say is: I love gay men!! They are soo beautiful and soo much fun!^^ Oh, then I went to bed and slept with two really hot men, one on each side of me. (Too bad they're gay!) Oh, yes the next morning I got up still drunk and went to go visit my brother in his new appartment and drank more!^^
* Oh, anouther really cool but kinda scary happening this week:
I went in to Alma's civil war class to get her homework for her on
Tuesday, and when I went in the classroom, I was greeted by an ovation of
clapping, whistling and cheering. I had no idea what was going on.
Apparently, my winnings at SMS were announced over the intercom, and
since I only have one block at GHS, I had no idea. Mr. Gardener
congratulated me, and only then did I start to figure out what was going
on. I'm sure I blushed, and I avoided eye contact with anyone in the room,
switching the topic to Alma's assignments. After I had gotten them, Mr.
Gardener congratulted me again on my solo, only to have the room once again
break out in applause and whisteling. I quickly left. I guess I'm just not
used to whole classrooms of guys whisteling at me when I'm not even
performing. It was weird and kinda nerve racking, but now that I stop
think about it, how often does something like that happen to anyone?
So, I guess it was a kinda cool and weird expeirience.
Overall, this weekend was great and isn't over yet!! Life just keeps on getting better and better! I just love it!! I'm so happy!^^PARTY ON!!:)