Why does it always rain on me?

Mar 04, 2007 12:03

Ok. I know it's been forever since I've written in here. So I thought I'd take another stab at it. Unfortunately it's another depressing topic like my last post that I just deleted.

So anyway, at the beginning of this semester, my roommate and I got along really well. Unfortunately not so much anymore. I can't stand her. And frankly...I don't think she can stand me either. She just seems to be getting on my nerves more and more. She's so inconsiderate. I'll be trying to sleep and she'll be talking on the phone as loud as she can and not give a shit that I'm trying to sleep. And she blames me for things and then yells at me for them. For instance, she keeps saying that all I do in zoology lecture is just joke around with margie and sam the whole time. Which is a load of bullshit. I sit there and take good notes and pay attention. And it really pisses me off when she tells me that I have had ample time to study I just didn't use it to study. She has no idea what I'm doing. Anytime I'm on my computer she just assumes I'm playing games. And I'm usually doing wellness homework or stuff for chem or zoo or english. AHH. Then she yells at me for not studying and saying that oh she's studied soo much this week for the zoo test. Yeah, well let's see who got the better grade. Umm...that'd be me. Yes, this kid right here who barely studied for it. Thank you. And now I found out that she's letting random people come over and use my computer when I'm not here. That really pisses me off. She tells them that I wouldn't care. Well guess what Denise, I care! So now my computer is password protected when you log off or when the screen saver goes off. I'd like to see her figure out that password! HA. I also found out that she's telling people things about me so that they'll basically hate me too. Isn't this just wonderful. She also complains about me not going to bed whenever she does. Sorry that I can't sleep on command. Sheesh. And she tells me the reason that I can't sleep is because I'm always taking naps. Ok. The last time I had a nap was last semester. The only time I had one this semester I actually slept better that night. So she needs to stop fucking telling people shit about me that isn't fucking true. I'm soo glad I'm not roomming with her again next year. Oh and why we're on that subject. She was supposed to transfer next year and leave me to the birds for getting a roommate. So I had plans for a roommate. Her name is Amy, but then I thought that I wanted to be a peer mentor which meant living in a freshman dorm again and having a single. Which was great because Amy had found a friend from home to room with. So everything was going to work out well. Until Denise decides to not transfer. Now she keeps bitching to me about how I left her out on being a roommey next year. BULLSHIT! AHH.

Ok...so now I find out that Margie might be transferring. This just sucks because now next year...my friend population is going to be basically a big fat Z E R O. Next year is just going to suck soo bad. I'm gonna be the creepy girl who stays in her room all the time and only leaves to go to class. And she just sits in her room with her books which are her best friends. Just sitting there with a yogurt.

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