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Dec 20, 2005 13:53

seriously WHAT THE FUCK?

this is SO weiiiiiiiiird! guys have never really "liked me"

i mean, sure there are some here and there. but not like some of my friends who have aguys liking them non stop.

a little over a month...i was going through a REALLY hard time with my guy situation (some of you know the stroy), and jenny bought me this silver wreath (having NOTHING to do with christmas) ...with a card that read "this one will bring you love."
  • "she took this small silver wreath and pinned it onto me. she said 'this one will bring you love.' and i don't know if it's true, but i keep it for good luck" --bright eyes "we are nowhere and it's now"

at the time i got it, i was SO thankful. and just like the song, i didn't know if it was true, but i kept it for good luck and wore it everywhere. i kept it with me at all times. i had NO idea of its powers. and ever since she gave it to me - i have had nothing BUT luck with guys.

all of a sudden...boys like me? WEIRD. REALLLLY reallllllly weird. i attriubute it alll the the wreath.
  • one boy who i was talking to FINALLY started coming around telling me how he felt. but i'm over that one.
  • a boy who i thought was really cool and cute (and totally out of my league) told one of my friends he liked me?
  • i meet this GORGEOUS and i meeeeeaaan GORGEOUS guy and he likes me and we make out, and hold hands, etc. i mean this guy could have ANYYYYY girl. and he chose ME??? whaaattt???!?!?!??!? he calls me and takes me on dates. what?
  • the guy who i was IN LOOOOVE with (who i used to always write about in here - from school)...i ran into him at bj's...he got my number, he calls me and we talk for 3 hours. and he continues to call me DAILY telling me he can't stop thinking about me??? WTF!
  • right now - my friend just fwd' me a message from a guy and he was telling her how he thinks i'm cool and he wants to ask me on a date but he wanted to ask her first before asking me (to get her input). 

i am not bragging AT ALL, by NO means. i don't get this much attention in a WHOLE YEAR!!! and now - all of a sudden. it's kinda freaking me out. seriously. i don't know what to do with all of this. i'm not used to it.

but really though...i think it has to do with the silver wreath jenny gave me! it's SO weird. i mean EVER SINCE SHE GAVE IT TO ME- i get all this attention from guys all of a sudden? it's kinda freaky!

maybe it's karma? because her and steven are SO happy together and i kinda was the one to hook them up. i don't know. but ...thanks jenny. REALLY thanks!
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