
Oct 27, 2007 00:19

Okay so today was interesting. well it started off bad cuz i couldnt go to my friend Tessla's halloween party, coz im grounded. and then in school at lunch i saw THE BOY THAT I LIKE! oh my gawsh im afraid i cannot tell you whom he is but he is c-u-t-e. so then that afternoon i went to this theater thing where we went for lattes and stuff then went to like see a play and it was so descusting because the boys behind us were farting like the whole time. it was absolutly descusting. but I still had fun because some of my friends were there. aaaaannnnnyyyywwwwaaaaayyyyssss, the buggest news is, no one asked me to the dance yet! i feel like a dick. actually, if i was a dick i would be like the weirdest dick ever. omg MONSTROUS. kay shut up. I actually dont think anyone will ask me but thats okay, i would probably go all shy and run to the washroomm when a slow song comes on, yeah ill just go with ma gurlz. So I have soccer this sunday, yes i joined indoor soccer, it gives me somthing to do and its pretty fun. Oh and i watched distirbia all by myself, because imm grounded so no one could come over and watch it with me, my dad watched it for a bit then went to bed and said he was too scared. im so excited for onday because i wont be grounded anymore! yey.oh and i almost forgot to say that the hedley concert is canceled becuase they are opening for Bon Jovie, who is cool, but i think there will be old people there who will not like to be flashed by hedley, but that is the weirdest combonatinn, hedley and bon jovie, like wtf but thats too bad that i cant see hedley now.  so yes, nice talking to  you, whoever is listening. kay thanks byeee. oh and im also sorry of this text is too bright for your liking.


halloween, parties, dance, desturbia

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