coast guard 1st night

Aug 02, 2006 13:01

K so I went to the carvavil last night with lins and meet up with her friends that i kinda new but didnt rly like em. but w,e we walked around n i went with her places and watiing for her friends n she was liek this is stupud i wanna go home blah blah blah well maybei fu made something outta it u woudl have fun n stop bitching. n we went to the kurby got fries n i thought they were only like $1 somethign but there were fricken 5:50 n that made me mad n then w.e stood aounr dwith other ppl doing nothen just dragging me along n then jason calls ms n then i got rly happy cuz i love hiM! n then he wanted to meet so i told him weere we were at n that we would stay there n then lins n  everyone else was liek k were leaving n i was i fucken stayed around for u guys all fucken night n u cant stay n one place for 1 min for me n they like nope n they kept walken so iw ent with him n then finally i looked at he rn i was liek fuck u, n i walked away n meet up with jason :) and that made me happy cuz jason made me feel better n we was gonna give me  aride home but there was nothen to do rly n e mroe n blah blah blah but m ymom was liek no ill pick u up, i dunno, but i only had fun when i was with him,I dunno what im doing today, i have no $ n im sopposed to babysit 2 morrow but they havent called me n told me what time so i gotta call em n find out, but w.e
im gonna go have breakfast
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