Jan 29, 2005 23:56
it's interesting to sit down and think about things. . . i've found myself doing that constantly lately. people, places, graduating, living. one year from now, i will be in a completely different place, surrounded by completely different people, basically starting over. and as weird as it may seem, i absolutely love the thought of it. i've still attempted to make the most out of this year, yet my excitement for the ones to come just continues to grow. it will be wonderful . . .
meanwhile, i am learning a lot about people . . . what real friends are and aren't, and if some of these people will ever actually grow up and realize what is happening in the world they live in. you know what i'm talking about, those people who are oblivious to everything except themselves, the people that matter to them, and are overly concerned about the way others perceive them. honestly, who really does care anymore? why does it matter? i don't know. strange how things work out. but then there are the people who are truly getting the big picture. they have their heads on straight and know what they want. something about that just attracts me to those people. maybe the fact that they are goal-oriented--they want something out of life and have formed loose strategies on how to get what there and be happy at the same time.
i sometimes feel kind of lonely. i know people care and that i do have friends, but, well, it's hard to describe. the ones that mean the very most to me i never get time with and the ones that im only semi-close with i have a ton of fun with, but they just dont care quite as much and so my time spent with them doesn't always seem as meaningful. it's ok. ill be optimistic about it: at least i have people that care about me. i am lucky. but i just can't help but feel like something's missing, i can't help but feel a little lonely.