Check out my literary technique skillz, as referenced in the SLG journal: As a lover of alliteration, when she referred to "awesome aerial action" as assonance I felt called upon to point out the error, especially as Ms. de Guzman is a learned lady of letters and I assumed it was a simple slip. Honestly not trying to step on any toes, I opened with, "I'm not trying to be a jerk, but [...]" which, in retrospect, made me sound like kind of a jerk. She responded with a slightly scathing dismissal, posting a definition that seemed to prove it was in fact not an example of assonance, as the a's in question were dissonant, but claiming she was still right because alliteration is mostly consonantal. I was worried about her tone, because this is a woman that I seriously respect and I had no interest in a war over proper use of stylistic devices, but I replied that alliteration has no such consonant restrictions, and posted a return definition that specifically used a's in their example. She responded with "Oh, ah-ha. Well, I've learned something!" Then she deleted the exchange. I felt better because she didn't seem to be angry anymore, but I still felt weird about it all being deleted.
Needless to say, I am pleased with the current, edited version of the post. Because getting name-dropped by my favorite editor of my favorite comic book company can never be a bad thing.
In other news, today is my 23rd birthday. Huzzah?