Nov 15, 2006 14:05
So someone at work is getting fired for looking at porn (and being generally incompetent, the porn is just the icing on the cake), and the manager is paging for him to come to the sales office. The page in itself is fairly benign, normally it just means he has something for him to do, so there's no reason for the guy to be avoiding it, unless someone tipped him off to the impending pink slip. But he hasn't responded to it, and the manager has made the page four times, and every time it makes me laugh harder, because it just drives home what a screw-up this guy is. I know someone getting fired shouldn't bring me so much glee, but it totally does.
I guess I ought to get back to work... speaking of screw-ups. I'm more of a screw-off, if it makes a difference. Haha.