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Jul 18, 2004 01:45

i just got back from camp. that was cool. but it made me start to wonder about what really matters. like, what type of music people listen to, thats just some asinine little detail that doesn't really mean that they're a certain kind of person. for example, the hip hop community is doing alot of political activism just like the rock community. we're both talking about pretty much the same thing, so why fight. even country, i don't happen to like the music but the dixie chicks expressed their qualms about the president just as did, say, bad religon. but i still hate tim mcgraw. motherfucker.

also today i watched this movie, called blackboards. it was all in persian with subtititles and it was about these teachers that carried blackboards around on their back and that was their only vaulable. they searched the countryside for pupils, and lugged the blackboard the whole way. and this was in the iranian desert i think. and these people had lives that were so removed from ours, so different that it totally blew my mind. everything they owned they carried. education was carried about completly by these guys. it made me feel like things here don't really matter in the long run. like our litle teenage love problems, fuck that man, i mean you can't ignore them... but don't let them eat you up. there's so much more important stuff to worry about. like maybe we should try to find ways to extend out wealth in such a waythat it can benefit these people that live in third world squalor. im not saying i want them to be american, i just think that there should be a way for us to help others out. instead of taking what we have for granted and complaing about girls or whatever.

in other news:
camp made me releize that people in power are egomaniacs. if everyone could just get over their pride we could all live better. like wars are fought because one side is supposedly better than the other. theres an outlook that the whole camp atmosphere has that if it was adapted by everyone, the world would rule. but unfortunatly we have pissing contests and stuff. lame. plus, people should hug more, its just so uplifting.

tim mcgraw is bullshit.
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