Stuff, in no particular order:
laurashapiro has a non-spoilery review of the
first Buffy Season 8 comic.
* I am totally getting
The Physics of Superheroes for my dad for Christmas.
* Today's
daily puppy is particularly adorable. AWWWW. (Yes, I totally have vicarious dog issues.)
WTF, Rob Thomas? I am liking the current fandom conventional wisdom on this, which is that the CW is just humoring him before they drop the axe. (via
* I watched Supernatural last night. I know! But Tricia Helfer was guest starring, so.
brynnmck, who's a fan, thought this episode was pretty expositiony and standalone, and that maybe they were hoping Helfer's guest spot would bring in new viewers. It had a very horror-movie vibe, including the female victim getting terrorized. I didn't really pick up much character stuff--beyond the obvious, that Dean is something of a badass and something of a just plain ass, and that Sam is the thinker and feeler. I do think there was a nice theme of people being trapped in aspects of their lives by forces beyond their control, and how the boys could relate to Molly on that level, since I gather that is very much what their story was about. I didn't see the twist coming, and alternated between being annoyed that the characters (and writers) withheld information from the audience and thinking their motivations for at least withholding it from Molly made sense. It didn't really grab me, but I thought it was all right, and Tricia is so good about inhabiting the whole character with her body language. But I have one question: does this show actually use color? Or, like, lighting?
* Did I mention it's Friday? And my downstairs bathroom work is finished! And I am going to watch more due South this weekend, oh yes. And possibly some Farscape. WOO!