I want a refund on my overpriced real estate...

Jan 16, 2007 16:59

... because I am about done with this freezing temperatures business. Also, if the weather is taking requests, some rain would be nice, because droughts are no fun.

ETA: Note to the weather: I officially did not mean that I wanted it to start dumping rain this very moment while still being close to freezing out.

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Happy birthday laurashapiro! *sends you virtual cake*

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I have things to say about Stargate! I know, you're shocked.

Re: the S4 Atlantis casting news, I'm pretty much going to repeat what I said to pellucid, which is that I throw my hands up in exasperation. I always liked Weir more in theory than practice, but she was the only female character who seemed to have a visible story arc in the first half of Season 3, and the writers seemed like they had something in mind for her going ahead, so I was rather surprised by the news. I'd like to think this means they'll actually give Teyla more to do, because she has so much potential for development that has gone completely underused so far--remember when she had conflicts in her sense of duty and identity issues around her Wraith DNA?--but I think that would be overly optimistic. Bringing in Sam, easing Weir into the background, losing Beckett, and introducing the Jewel Staite character who's supposed to take his place seems like a lot of character fluctuation to subject the fans to during the first season when the show will be standing on its own. Who knows, though; maybe it will be a rousing success.

In SG-1 news, I can't remember where on my flist I read this, but it seems SkyOne will be airing episodes in the intended order after all? The Gateworld episode listings are in the correct order now.

AND Gateworld has posted general descriptions of the two planned movies, and can I just say that the second one made me squeal like a little girl? BAAL AND QETESH. OMG. I am so looking forward to seeing them flesh out the hints of their history, and so looking forward to Daniel and the rest of SG-1 having to deal with Qetesh, and the differences between Qetesh and Vala, and the things that are maybe a little too similar for comfort. And Claudia Black will take a situation like that and work it to the farthest edge. YES. Plus, alternative timelines are always so much fun on this show. Please, MGM, don't screw this up.

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After seeing a couple of Season 1 episodes of Farscape this weekend, I came back to the question I always come back to with this show, which is--how is Farscape so good? When it fails, it fails with conviction, and when it succeeds, it's damn near perfect. "A Human Reaction," I'm looking at you.

Poll How is Farscape so good?

my stargate is pastede on yay, farscape

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