(no subject)

Feb 16, 2006 17:52

How did I not know that there was not going to be a new Veronica Mars last night? Nor will there be any until March 15th. I find this annoying, because I think they were building up a good head of steam with "Ain't No Magic Mountain High Enough." But then again, the UPN scheduling and promo department is apparently a den of crack-smoking weasels with typewriters.

I wonder what the odds are of this show surviving the WB/UPN merger. The ratings suck, but it's the only critical darling on both networks, as far as I know.

* * * * *

So instead I watched some Stargate. I have a sacred duty--SACRED!--to catch up so that I can tell asta77 what happened in the second part of some two-parter that I haven't gotten to yet. I also watched some Farscape, but that takes longer to write up.

6.01 - "Redemption Part 1"

* It looks like auditions for Daniel's replacement are not going well?

* OMG! New credits! SO EXCITING!!!! So what if it took a cast change to get them. It's been six seasons, people!

* Hm. I have no feelings one way or another about Jonas at this point, but throwing him at us and asking us to care right away is not really selling the character to me. I can only imagine what the rabid Daniel fangirls thought.

* Teal'c is advocating that Jonas join the team because Jonas beat him at boxing? That seems... unlikely. Both parts of that, actually.

* Drey'auc's dying because she refuses a new symbiote? She's kind of worthless. And yet there goes Teal'c, off to rescue her.

* While Ry'ac has a good point--that Jaffa dependence on symbiotes means they will never really be free of the goa'uld--he's still an ungrateful snot.

* Also, apparently the stargate is going to explode and take Earth with it.

* Oh, Rodney. You are so very bad with people. Also, shut up.

* Earth's only hope is a ship that's been built based on goa'uld technology, and Jack and Sam get to pilot it. Considering how well that went for Jack in "Tangent," I'm surprised he's not kvetching more.

* Yay! Teal'c and Bra'tac have figured out how to help. Very clever of them.

* Shut up some more, Rodney.

* Anubis has Asgard technology? And he's evilled up some more, as evidenced by his total lack of a face. To be continued!

6.02 - "Redemption Part 2"

* Aw. Ry'ac wants to fight with his dad. He is less annoying now.

* Hee. Okay, Rodney is an insufferable tool, but the snark with Sam is pretty hilarious, as is his blatant crush on her, which he conducts with his usual mad people skillz. This must be the legendary McKay charm at work.

* Speaking of, enjoy that tasty humble pie, Rodney, since your idea not only didn't work but got Sam injured.

* It's a good thing Earth has Teal'c and Bra'tac and (this is surprising!) Ry'ac watching their backs, trying to take out Anubis's weapon, since Earth's stargate is useless right now.

* Dragging the stargate into space, and hopefully hyperspace, before it explodes is a crazy plan. But it just might work.

* So close! But Jack couldn't get enough altitude.

* Hey, it worked anyway, thanks to the miracle of hyperspace. And Jonas's idea was key, but the solution was complex and had many contributors, so that worked too.

* And now they have no stargate, and they have to rent one from the Russians? I wonder what they'll charge for a cleaning deposit.

* Jack puts Jonas on the team to keep a Russian off it? Seeing how hostile Jack has been to the Russians in the past, that actually isn't completely contrived. Certainly not any less contrived than how Teal'c got on SG-1.

* * * * *

Via sdwolfpup, an interesting post on blogging safety that itself contains some interesting links to other posts.

I sometimes worry that I give away too many identifying details on my LJ, despite the fact that I mostly talk about the television shows I watch and the way life occasionally spits in my eye in petty ways. (Today, it was my shower head breaking, or rather exploding as the water pressure drove the various bits that had been holding it to the pipe in many different directions and at high velocity.) I think it's something that a lot of us struggle with, at least those of us who choose to try to be vague about our RL identities--to find a balance for talking about the events of our lives without posting directions to our houses and workplaces in big, flashing neon lights. I don't think there are any easy answers, but the post makes some good points about common-sense, basic protective measures.

my stargate is pastede on yay

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