Social X-Rays

May 06, 2004 22:09

I don't often watch cable news, but my roomate does. Tonight, when I turned the television on, I was treated to the sight of Maria Shriver (Mrs. Ahnold) on Larry King. I hadn't really seen her since her days on Dateline NBC; I was studiously avoiding media coverage during the recall because I found the whole thing so frustrating; so I'd say it's been a good fourteen years since I've really clapped eyes on Maria Shriver in a substantial way. My god, she is so freaky looking, all cheekbones and Botoxed forehead. It looks like she's lost a good 30 pounds from the old days, and she wasn't exactly pudgy then.

I was reminded of Tom Wolfe's great novel Bonfire of the Vanities, where he describes the wives of the Masters of the Universe as Social X-Rays: whipcord thin, groomed to the hilt, and primed to back their husbands up in any social setting. Maria Shriver is a Social X-Ray. Interestingly enough, I have no earthly idea what Gray Davis's wife looked like.

left coast politics

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