Dear Dirk Benedict, stop making your side look stupid

Jan 18, 2005 17:34

I think this has been around for a while, but if you hadn't seen it (as I hadn't), take a moment to marvel at Dirk Benedict's industrial-strength crazy.

Plenty of people have legitimate reasons for not liking the new female Starbuck without resorting to feminist conspiracy theory. Myself, I don't mind her at all and I think it's actually a backhanded compliment to Benedict, since filling his shoes with another male actor would be virtually impossible. I'm more bummed that the Cylons in the new series aren't as scary. It used to be that the mere sound effect that accompanied that shifting eye beam made a little thrill of fear run up my spine. Possibly because I was seven years old. molly_may hit the nail on the head when she pointed out that attractive females just aren't as menacing, at least not the ones on this show. And I'm afraid that since the robot Cylons are CGI effects and therefore a budget cost per instance, we're not going to see too much of them.

It's impossible to do a remake that adheres with complete faithfulness to the original. It would be pointless. What an audience finds compelling in one era, an audience in the next will find incomprehensible, or at least not very moving. The original Battlestar Galactica was a tale of the Cold War. I personally would find it boring to watch a show in 2005 that focuses on a bunch of humans going up against an unvarying, emotionless, monolithic foe. It has no relevance to the world in which I live. There are legitimate critiques to be made of the new series--which I happen to think shows a lot of promise--but the fact that it's changed some with the times shouldn't be one of them.

So, in conclusion, STFU Dirk Benedict. You were my first crush, but I'm officially breaking up with you.

rants, bsg

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