In which I am cranky

Jul 27, 2010 20:07

1. I just spent the morning at the vet with my dog. He had a limp and a bonus ear infection in one ear (but not the other). I love my puppydog, but man does he get stressed out about pretty much everything that isn't his normal routine.

2. Like a responsible workaholic, I sent out work-from-home notification emails at 7 this morning. But apparently there were some network blips and Outlook was disconnected the entire time, so now it looks like I blew off a very important meeting.

3. I have had the last 15 episodes of The Office stacked up on the TiVO for a while. Apparently, instinct is important, because once I watched "Scott's Tots" I was totally done with this show. Seriously, show? Seriously? The reasonable hopes and dreams of a bunch of disadvantaged teenagers are a punchline? That wasn't funny. It was the opposite of funny. And then the show goes on to make pretty much everyone on the show except for Pam loathsome. *deletes rest of back catalog of episodes for the past season, and season pass*

4. The release I'm working on, which was originally slated for February, then March, then April, then every month through August, is now scheduled for September. MAYBE. I know a lot of people who have worked in the software biz longer than I have, but I have never heard of or seen a release as messed up as this one. UGH.

5. I had high hopes for the TV meme, but see item 4 above. UGH.

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the office, puppydog

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