World Cup blogging: GAH edition

Jul 02, 2010 19:33

I only caught the last part of the Brazil/Netherlands match this morning (stupid time zones!), but I saw every heartbreaking minute of the Uruguay/Ghana match, and I might have cried a little bit when it was over. I was rooting for Ghana so hard, and a tiny bit of that was wanting an African team to go through, but most of it was because they have played so very well. And then to lose like that! It seemed to me that Suarez acted out of instinct instead of calculation when he batted the ball out of the Uruguayan goal; still, it was a sure goal that should have decided the game, and the red card didn't seem like enough. And oh, Asamoah Gyan, what a shot to miss! They all looked so tired by then, and I'm not sure if Ghana was playing with the same keeper as in the US game or if he was just having an off game, but once it went into penalty kicks, it was clear that Uruguay had the advantage. Heartbreaking!

Forlan is good. I will give Uruguay that. Still, it will give me the greatest pleasure to (hopefully) see the Dutch wipe the field with them next week, not just because of this match but because they have been so magnificent. Oranje!

I'm tentatively calling for Germany and Spain tomorrow, but this is a cup of many surprises. Are people in the US still trying to argue that soccer is boring? I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the TENSION and the DRAMA.

The NY Times always has great infographics, and they've also had really good World Cup coverage, so it was natural for the two to come together in an awesome infographic about chatter trends for different teams on Facebook over the course of the cup.

In other news, I was going to post the next TV meme entry but it requires me to pick my favorite episode of Farscape and I've been dithering for three days. I might have to flip a coin. But at least I have some time to think about it, since this holiday weekend snuck up on me (all of the vacation energy went into the family reunion) and my plans for this weekend involve (1) sleeping, (2) vacuuming up 40 pounds of dog hair, (3) sleeping, and (4) BBQs that will hopefully involve my dog shedding in someone else's house.

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