Signal boost boost

Feb 12, 2010 19:31

If you have a Gmail account (and most of us do), you might have noticed this new Google Buzz thing, through the new menu item on your Gmail menu, or through the strangers on your chat list, or through random followers on your reader, etc. Here's a good roundup of links on what it is and what to do about it, courtesy of

As I said to her in comments, I use my personal Gmail account to communicate with, among other people who are not my nearest and dearest, my tenants. I cannot even imagine who thought that everyone in someone's most frequent email contacts would automatically make a great involuntary social network. CREEPY.

In other news, to the two or three people who are still reading this journal, I'm alive but have been buried in work and assorted other stuff. There will hopefull be content soon. In the meantime, have some dog pictures!

He looks pretty substantial from the side:

But he's only about 8 inches wide!

My working theory is that he's a greyhound/German shepherd mix, but I could be missing something. He's got issues--he's a rescue--but he's a wonderfully sweet dog, and very trainable, and the best decision I've made in a while.

Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes and gifts!

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comments). Comment at either site.

rants, puppydog, technobabble

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