My weekend so far

Nov 07, 2009 12:59

My registration for Bitchinparty (aka Pacificon 2010) is confirmed!

brynnmck has been furiously processing registrations all morning... for a con... while she's at another con. That's dedication, y'all. We're going to celebrate by getting some lunch and thanking our lucky stars that although Creation took all of the tickets off sale on their website last week, causing no inconsiderable amount of panic on our parts that we'd be staying in the con hotel all weekend without actually, you know, attending the con aat all, they still have plenty of tickets for sale at the door, so we will be seeing Ben and Claudia tomorrow. Although when they said registration would be open last night, they LIED.

What I'm saying is, Bitchinparty > Creation. *shakes tiny fist at Creation*

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