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brynnmck May 13 2009, 22:45:01 UTC
Excellent Office thoughts, as always! I'm glad the MSPCI storyline was resolved with a minimum of embarrassment squick; this has been a hard season from that perspective, so it was nice to see something that didn't make me want to crawl behind a chair and die on Michael's behalf. Hee. And I really do like what it revealed about the characters--I LOVE that Pam is a salesperson now, and I loved the Michael/Pam (not like that) interaction throughout, and it was fascinating to watch the rest of the office (try to) operate in a "normal" environment.

And that was a great BSG essay, too. Sal asked me this weekend to give her the Cliff's Notes on what went wrong with the finale, and I didn't even know where to start. And every time I think I'm over being pissed off/disappointed about it, I think about it again and I get a fresh wave of frustration. For exactly the reason you highlighted, ultimately: even aside from my many issues with the details (or LACK THEREOF, RDM) of the finale, its worst sin, IMO, was making the entire rest of the series seem utterly pointless. And under those circumstances, it's hard to feel excited about going back, even to see characters I loved.

On the plus side: SHOES. Those shoes sound adorable! They are making me happy and I'm not even there!


danceswithwords May 14 2009, 03:14:18 UTC
And I really do like what it revealed about the characters

I especially like that Jim never tried to talk Pam out of it, and kissed her goodbye at 5am when she went out to deliver paper in a church van, and didn't even think about pointing out that the whole thing had been doomed to fail when it did.

I didn't get that frustrated with the BSG finale until I realized how much it had retroactively made the rest of the show unwatchable. That's pretty bad. Nice job, RDM.


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