The last six days in bullet points

May 04, 2009 17:38

  • DC is fabulous. I hadn't been there since a very brief trip in high school, and I had a wonderful time hanging out in Georgetown and Dupont Circle. Embassy Row is the best place to run ever (SO FLAT! Like most places that aren't San Francisco!). I had an intense sense of nostalgia the entire time I was there, which I realized after a certain point was because I grew up in Williamsburg; the architecture was something I'd imprinted on as a young child.

  • I have gotten up at 3:30 AM two out of the last five days. On the other hand, I also ate a lot of crab cakes.

  • We are all trying to concentrate on the fact that my brother's future mother-in-law is a perfectly lovely women when she is not talking about the wedding, and is only completely stark raving insane when she is talking about the wedding. Which hopefully will not be 90% of the time after the wedding.

  • I did a bachelorette night on the town with a bunch of my brother's fiancee's friends, which could have been weird since we were all strangers, but was actually quite lovely because her friends are all really interesting. It's a good sign.

  • I left my cell phone on my coffee table, which wouldn't have been such a problem if all of the numbers I needed weren't in it instead of in my head. SIGH.

  • I was so glad to get to see 50mm on her home turf.

  • Two words: dinosaur bones! I wish we'd had more time in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, but we did hit the dinosaur section, so. (For the record, I am not an 8-year-old boy, I swear.)

  • I knew my brother was not terribly domestic, but it turns out that he stores his silverware in the dishwasher and just runs it all through the wash over and over. Call me crazy, but I don't think it's fair to expect the fiancee to straighten that kind of thing out like magic.

  • I haven't been on LJ or Dreamwidth in days and it's going to take a while to catch up. In particular, now that my release is over, I need to do a lot of setup on Dreamwidth...

  • Is 6pm too early to go to bed when you've been up since 12:30 local time? I hope not. *faceplant*

  • HI!


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