Amazon is apparently stripping the sales ranks from GLBT books, thus preventing them from showing up in some bestseller lists and searches (and potentially directly damaging their sales), on the grounds that they are "adult" material.
(This is regardless of whether they contain any explicit sex. Meanwhile, books with explicit heterosexual sex scenes retain their sales rank, as long as they're not overtly marketed as "erotica".) I've already sent my own Strongly Worded Letter. I have a couple of gift certificates to use, but unless they rethink this, there goes my Prime membership after I've spent them. There's just no excuse for this kind of blanket bigotry, and if they're crumbling to some "family values" group in making this change, they're likely to do so for other issues as well.
ETA, also via
rydra_wong, the US Amazon customer service number: 1-800-201-7575. Executive customer services e-mail:
* * * * *
In happier news, happy birthday wishes to