Con index

Nov 11, 2008 16:47

Miles driven: ~800
Number of times I got lost and had to make dodgy turnarounds: 2
Ostentatious hilltop castles built by publishing baron seen: 1
Months taken off our lives by noxious Central Valley smog: 5
"Mailing fees" paid to Creation for our will-call tickets: $28
Number of days asta77 and I have spent together without once wanting to kill each other (that I know of...): 7
Percentage of Ben Browder's panel I spent wishing a hole would open up under my chair and swallow me: 40
Claudia Black's awesomeness: infinity
My joy at hanging out with other sane, smart, funny fans: impossible to quantify

Overall, it was great, and I'm really glad I went. I hope to have a more detailed report soon, and in the meantime, OMG I'm glad to be home.

farscape, farscape convention, conventions

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