Thursday: a day that is satisfyingly close to Friday

Sep 25, 2008 15:38

Happy birthday, pellucid! I wish you lots of success in the coming year, and as little stress as possible.

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Three random things, all related to books or words:

  1. The Sorted Book Project: lining up book spines to tell a story. Neat! I particularly like the shark story (at the bottom). Via BoingBoing

  2. The description of the latest project to adapt Moby Dick for the big screen is pretty scary, using as it does the term "graphic novel-style" and the quote "an opportunity to take a timeless classic and capitalize on the advances in visual effects to tell what at its core is an action-adventure revenge story."

  3. "Approvable" is one of those words that looks more and more wrong each successive time I type it. Probably because it isn't a real word. *sigh* Sometimes real words play that trick on me too, though. Have you ever found a word looking weirder and weirder the more you use it?

* * * * *

New Office tonight WOO!

books: general

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