"Everyone cries when they're stabbed"

Jul 10, 2008 16:34

I was hoping to post this past weekend, but I'm dealing with a perfect storm of work crap and house crap right now on top of an enormous backlog of other RL things that I'd been putting off for way too long, and adding stomach flu into the mix did not improve the situation. I'm hoping that things will settle down by, uh, September. *crosses ( Read more... )

slings & arrows, babylon 5, books: 2008

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brynnmck July 11 2008, 00:20:11 UTC
Stomach flu! On top of everything else! Man. I am SO sorry! I hope you're feeling better now?

I read the Riddle-Master series when I was a kid, and remember loving it, and have been tempted to pick it back up... I will keep it in the "maybe" pile, I think, based on your assessment. :) Mr. McK and I have been watching In Plain Sight, and I'm sort of iffy about it, but I'm oddly compelled by it anyway. (Her mother and her sister seriously need something to do besides moan and cause problems, though.) Time will tell. (I just wrote "Tim" there, which is probably more accurate. Hee.) We are also hoping to track down S1 of Burn Notice now that it's out on DVD. I've always wanted to get back to that!

And. Of course. SLINGS AND ARROWS YAY. Is it not entirely made of awesome? I just... I adore all the characters, the writing is so so beyond brilliant, the acting is amazing, funny and heartbreaking and glorious and mundane... gah. Best ever. (Here were my reactions to S1, in case you're bored.) I'm excited to see what you think of S2 and S3! (Also, if you didn't notice, the woman who plays Anna is also one of the writers of the show--as well as the one who came up with the concept--and I fangirl her brain like I have rarely fangirled anyone's brain. I actually tracked down her address with the intention of writing a big gooshy fan letter to her, and am determined to do so at some point. Because she is my hero.) (And you know that Martha Burns is Paul Gross' real-life wife? Which makes me adore Geoffrey/Ellen even MORE. Geoffrey and Ellen are so fucked up, but they completely understand each other, know each other's flaws intimately, and they still love each other and can be so good for each other. I love that.)


danceswithwords July 11 2008, 16:51:39 UTC
I am feeling better now. And since I have given myself over entirely to the principle of fixing everything in rewrites, I choose to rewrite the whole thing as a few days spent lounging on the couch while effortlessly losing five pounds. See, much better!

I have sort of a low threshold for fantasy, so I'm not sure I'm the best guidepost; GRR Martin and Tolkein and other writers that root their magical elements very firmly in concrete reality are fine, but once it passes a certain level of detachment from physical bounds, I tend to get impatient.

I remember you talking about Susan Coyne at bitchinparty, and I was really impressed by the writing, and the way the characters were enough of a story in their own right, but the show kept coming back to the play and the universality of love and betrayal and the human desire to express what's going on inside as something bigger (even if you're a corporate flack on a retreat; even if you're Richard), and I thought that was really neat.


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